PhD Thesis Proposal Defence "Distributed Cache Architectures for OLAP Queries" By Mr. Panagiotis Kalnis Abstract Data warehouses are traditionally utilized within the limits of an enterprise or organization. The growth of Internet and WWW however, has created new opportunities for data sharing among ad-hoc, geographically spanned and possibly mobile users. Since it is impractical for each enterprise to set up a worldwide infrastructure, currently such applications are handled by the central warehouse. This often yields poor performance, due to overloading of the central server and low transfer rate of the network. Here, we review our work on OLAP cache servers (OCS), which are the equivalent of web proxy-servers, but they are designed to accommodate data from warehouses and support OLAP operations. Based on our promising preliminary results, we also propose the extension of our research towards two directions: i) The employment of our system over a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. P2P networks can be composed by numerous end-user PCs which share resources and are an appealing method of constructing a distributed cache. ii) Transferring and caching the data in the form of aggregation tree (aR-Tree) nodes, which allows the system to answer queries approximately and vary the caching strategies based on the accuracy that the user requires. Date: Thursday, 22 November 2001 Time: 3:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Venue: Room 4480 Lifts 25-26 Committee Members: Dr. Dimitris Papadias (Supervisor) Dr. Andrew Horner (Chairman) Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Prof. Hongjun Lu Dr. Wilfred Ng **** ALL are Welcome ****