PhD Qualifying Examination "Graph Data Models and their Query Languages" By Mr. Haibo Hu Abstract: The structural uniformity of relations in RDBMS has the price that any complexity inherit in the structure of real-world data will be removed by the process of normalization to 1NF. Since popular database applications such as mobile applications, GIS systems, hypertext and semi-structured documents (especially XML), WWW search engines, do not naturally lend themselves towards the relational paradigm, we are turning to the more computationally powerful data model | graph data model, which represents real-world objects as nodes and relationships as arcs or paths. In this survey, we review existing graph database systems in terms of their underlying data models, primitive operations, query and manipulation interfaces, and implementations. Date: Monday, 16 December 2002 Time: 2:30p.m.-4:30p.m. Venue: Room 1403 lifts 25-26 Committee Members: Prof. Dik-Lun Lee (Supervisor) Prof. Hongjun Lu (Chairman) Dr. Qiong Luo Dr. Wilfred Ng **** ALL are Welcome ****