PhD Qualifying Examination "Learning Latent Variable Models: An Overview" By Mr. Tao Chen Abstract: Recently, learning Latent Variable Models(LVMs) has drawn more and more attentions in the UAI(Uncertainty in AI) community. Unlike traditional models that describe only relationships among the observed variables, LVMs allow to include one or more latent or hidden variables. Due to their stronger representational capability over general Bayesian networks, LVMs often yield significant improvements to cluster, classify data and to discover causal relationships from data. In this paper we aim to provide a literature review on learning LVMs from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The most commonly used learning approach, the so-called score-and-search approach, requires a model selection criterion as the score and a search procedure using the score. Therefore we shall first discuss various scores and their consistency under the framework of differential geometry analysis, and then review a number of popular search algorithms. Date: Friday, 30 January 2004 Time: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Venue: Room 2302 lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Prof. Nevin Zhang (Supervisor) Prof. Albert Chung (Chairperson) Prof. Mordecai Golin Prof. Dit-Yan Yeung **** ALL are Welcome ****