PhD Thesis Proposal Defence "Expected-Case Planar Point Location" By Mr. Theocharis Malamatos Abstract Planar point location is a fundamental search problem in Computational Geometry. The problem is to preprocess a polygonal subdivision of the plane into a data structure so that the polygon containing a given query point can be reported efficiently. A plethora of solutions that achieve optimal worst-case query time and space have been formulated for this problem. The subject of our proposal is, in contrast, to examine the problem from the perspective of the expected-case. We assume that we are given the probability of the query point lying in each region and our goal is to construct a data structure that will minimize the expected query time. We refer to this problem as expected-case planar point location. Referring to Shannon's information-theoretic results, the expected query time cannot be less than the {\em entropy} defined by the probability distribution of visiting each polygon of the subdivision, We denote this entropy by $H$. The aim of the proposal is two-fold. First, we would like to investigate the existence of planar point location methods that provide expected query time that asympotically matches the entropy lower bound and that are practical. Second, we explore the primarily theoretical question of whether planar point location is possible in an expected number of comparisons whose higher order term is exactly $H$, while using close to linear space. In the one-dimensional case, it is well-known that at most $H+2$ expected number of comparisons can be achieved. Date: Friday, 19 April 2002 Time: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Venue: Room 3311 Lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Dr. Sunil Arya (Supervisor) Dr. Mordecai Golin (Chairman) Dr. Siu-Wing Cheng Dr. Rudolf Fleischer **** ALL are Welcome ****