PhD Thesis Proposal Defence "Surface intersection problems and new solutions based on quadric subdivision" By Mr. Jinyuan Jia Abstract Surface intersection is a fundamental and important problem in CAD/CAM and CG. Many algorithms have been suggested to solve this difficult problem during the past decades, however, developing an efficient, accurate, robust algorithm to compute intersection curves of two general surfaces still remains an extremely challenging task nowadays. Due to the difficulties for solving intersection problem on general surfaces, many researchers pay more attentions to the intersection problems on special surfaces, e.g. quadratic surfaces, surfaces of revolution and canal surfaces in geometric modeling. In my proposal, quadric subdivision is proposed to solve this difficult problem. It subdivides a surface into piecewise quadric facets, instead of traditional triangular facets. Different with triangular subdivision, it is much bigger than triangular facet in size, and much fewer quadric facets are needed to approximate the same surface than triangular facets. More important, it can reach C^1 continuity. Quadric subdivision reduces the complex surface intersection problems to the simpler quadric intersection problems, which has closed form solutions and produces piecewise C^1 QSIC parameterization and easier to detect closed components of intersection curves. Firstly, we choose surfaces of revolution to testify to quadric subdivision and achieve very good performances in the three applications, (i) ray intersecting surfaces, (ii) plane intersecting surfaces and (iii) intersections of two surfaces of revolution. In future work, firstly, we will investigate an efficient quadric subdivision for canal surfaces, then apply it to the three intersection problems of a canal surface and a ray (plane and another canal surface). Finally, our goal is to explore a new solution to general surface intersection problem based on quadric subdivision. Date: Thursday, 15 May 2003 Time: 3:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Venue: Room 2404 Lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Dr. Andrew Horner (Supervisor) Dr. Kai Tang (MECH, Supervisor) Dr. Long Quan (Chairman) Dr. Michael Brown Dr. Chiew-Lan Tai Dr. Ajay Joneja (IEEM) **** ALL are Welcome ****