Distributed Resource Allocation for QoS Support in Wireless Networks

Speaker:	Professor Weihua ZHUANG
		Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
		University of Waterloo

Title:		"Distributed Resource Allocation for QoS Support
		 in Wireless Networks"

Date:		Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Time:		3:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue:		Lecture Theatre H
		(Chen Kuan Cheng Forum, near lift nos. 27/28)


It is envisioned that the future global information transport platform
will include the Internet as the backbone and heterogeneous wireless
networks for multimedia service access from both mobile and stationary
users, each network being optimized for its target applications.
Distributed resource allocation is required for many emerging
infrastructure-less wireless networks, such as ad hoc networks, mesh
networks, and sensor networks. In this presentation, we will discuss
technical challenges in resource allocation, due to network
characteristics and diverse quality-of-service (QoS) constraints;
introduce research issues in medium access control, QoS routing, and
interworking between cellular networks and wireless local area networks;
present some solutions to efficient resource allocation and service
quality provisioning in the networking environments. Directions for
further research will also be discussed.


Dr. Weihua ZHUANG has been a professor in electrical and computer
engineering, at the University of Waterloo, since October 1993. Her
current research interests include wireless communications and networks,
and radio positioning. She is a co-author of the textbook Wireless
Communications and Networking, published by Prentice Hall in 2003.

Dr. ZHUANG is a co-recipient of a Best Paper Award from IEEE ICC 2007, a
Best Student Paper Award from IEEE WCNC 2007, and the Best Paper Award
from Int. Conf. Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability,
Security and Robustness (QShine 2007). She received the Outstanding
Performance Award in 2005, 2006, and 2008 from the University of Waterloo
for outstanding achievements in teaching, research, and service, and the
Premier's Research Excellence Award in 2001 from the Ontario Government
for demonstrated excellence of scientific and academic contributions.

Dr. ZHUANG is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, and an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, and
International Journal of Sensor Networks. She is a Fellow of IEEE and an
IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.