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Final Program
Conference Organization
Welcome Message
Message from Program Co-Chairs
Location Map of HKUST Campus
The Mass Transit Railway of HK (MTR)
Catering Services on Campus
Technical Program
Technical Sessions
Helen Shen (HKUST)
Song De Ma (Inst. of Automation, Beijing)
Roland Chin (HKUST)
T.C. Pong (HKUST)
Saburo Tsuji (Wakayama U.)
Oscar Au (HKUST)
Ronald Chung (Chinese U. of Hong Kong)
Horace Ip (City U. of Hong Kong)
Tong Lee (Chinese U. of Hong Kong)
Chiew Lan TAI (HKUST)
H.T. Tsui (Chinese U. of Hong Kong)
Christopher C. Yang (HKU)
IEEE Inc. Computer Society, Hong Kong Section, Computer Chapter
Dept. of Computer Science, HKUST
Jake Aggarwal (U. of Texas)
Narendra Ahuja (U. of Illinois)
Carlo Arcelli (Istituto di Cibernetica, Italy)
Terry Caelli (Curtin U. of Technology)
Larry Davis (U. of Maryland)
Xiaoqing Ding (Tsinghua U.)
Charles Dyer (U. of Wisconsin)
Olivier Faugeras (INRIA)
Jun-ichi Hasegawa (Chyukyo U.)
Thomas Huang (U. of Illinois)
Katsushi Ikeuchi (U. of Tokyo)
Horace Ip (City U. of Hong Kong)
Anil Jain (Michigan State U.)
Ramesh Jain (U. of California, San Diego)
Ben Jang (IBM)
Ray Jarvis (Monash U.)
Rangachar Kasturi (Penn State U.)
Kwang Ik Kim (POSTECH)
Les Kitchen (U. of Melbourne)
Josef Kittler (U. of Surrey)
Kok Fung Lai (ITI, Singapore)
Louisa Lam (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Chung-Nim Lee (POSTECH)
Hsi-Jian Lee (Chiao Tung U.)
Seong-Whan Lee (Korea U.)
Takashi Matsuyama (Kyoto U.)
Dinesh Mital (Nanyang Technological U.)
Shree Nayar (Columbia U.)
Ram Nevatia (U. of Southern California)
Yuichi Ohta (Tsukuba U.)
Shmuel Peleg (Hebrew U.)
Brent Seales (U. of Kentucky)
Yoshiaki Shirai (Osaka U.)
Arnold Smeulders (U. of Amsterdam)
Ching Y. Suen (Concordia U.)
Michael Swain (U. of Chicago)
Eam KhwangTeoh (Nanyang Technological U.)
Baba Vemuri (U. of Florida)
Kazuhiko Yamamoto (Gifu U.)
Naokazu Yokoya (AIST-Nara)
Welcome Message
The Asian Conference on Computer Vision celebrates its third anniversary in 1998. For the first time, it will be held in Hong Kong, which is now part of the Peoples' Republic of China. The theme of ACCV'98 is "Computer Vision in the Information Era". The conference will provide a forum for researchers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experience. The conference will focus on theory as well as applications of computer vision. You will find 78 papers, grouped into 9 sessions, and 108 poster presentations in our program. Our authors come from 32 countries.
The ACCV'98 Organizing Committee is looking forward to your participation at what promises to be a most enriching event. If you have not yet registered, please do so. Conference and hotel registration information can be found at this advanced program handbook.
As co-chairman of ACCV'98, I would like to thank all members of the Organizing Committee and especially the Program Committee who have worked extremely hard to ensure the success of the conference. Lastly, I would like to express my appreciation to all the public and private agencies who have supported this conference.
Helen Shen
General Co-Chair of ACCV'98
Message from Program Co-Chairs
We are very pleased to have the opportunity to organize the 3rd Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'98). The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Hong Kong Section, Computer Chapter, the Sino Software Research Institute and the Department of Computer Science of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Hong Kong Industry Department.
We received over 300 submissions of full papers (not including the invited papers for the special sessions) from 30 countries in April 1997. In order to provide a quality conference and quality proceedings, each paper was reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The program committee selected and accepted 58 papers for oral presentation and 112 papers for poster presentation after the review process. Some of these papers were jointly submitted to ACCV'98 and ICCV'98 (to be held in Bombay in January 4-7, 1998) and they were reviewed in a coordinated effort. We must add that the program committee and the reviewers have done an excellent job within a tight schedule and we are very pleased with the quality of the papers.
Four eminent invited speakers, Professors Brian Funt of Simon Fraser University, Krishna Nathan of IBM, Eric Grimson of MIT, and Shoji Tominagaof Osaka Electro-Communication University, have contributed to the conference. We are grateful to them. In addition, we wish to thank Professors Jake Aggarwal, Shashi Buluswar, Yi-Ping Hung, Anil Jain, and Sharatchandra Pankanti for organizing the very high-quality special sessions. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to all the contributors, reviewers, program committee and organizing committee members, and sponsors, without whom the conference would not have been possible.
Roland Chin
Ting-Chuen Pong
Location Map of HKUST Campus
The Mass Transit Railway of HK (MTR)
You can come to the campus by one of the following ways:
1. By Taxi
The following is the address of the HKUST campus in Chinese. If necessary, show it to the taxi driver.
2. By Public Transportation
To be adventurous, you can take the MTR (route map) and then a bus.
From the Choi Hung MTR Station, Exit "B", at the bus stop by the street, you can take either the No. 91 or 91M (double decker) bus or the No. 11 (green van) mini-bus
From the Lam Tin MTR station, Exit "B", you can take the No. 298 bus at the bus terminal.
Catering Services on Campus
Location | Service | Types of Food |
Academic Concurse |
Coffee Shop |
Western, Sandwiches, coffee, desert |
LG5 |
Food Court |
Chinese, South East Asian, Japanese, Wendy's |
LG7 |
Caferteria |
Mainly Chinese |
University Center |
Restaurant |
Western, Italian |
Technical Program
Thursday, Jan. 8 |
Friday, Jan. 9 |
Saturday, Jan. 10 |
9:00am-10:15am |
Invited talk:
Krishna Nathan
Invited talk:
Eric Grimson
Invited talks:
Brian Funt and Shoji Tominaga
10:15am-10:30am |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
10:30am-12:30pm |
Special Session T1A:
Biometry I
Session T1B:
Physics-Based Vision
Special Session F1A:
Biometry II
Session F1B:
Low-level processing
Special Session S1A:
Recent Advances in CV
Session S1B:
Grouping and Segmentation
12:30pm-1:30pm |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
1:30pm-3:30pm |
Special Session T2A:
Color Vision I
Session T2B:
Robot Vision and Navigation
Special Session F2A:
Color Vision II
Session F2B:
Active Vision
Special Session S2A:
Computer Vision & Virtual Reality
Session S2B:
Motion Analysis
3:30pm-3:45pm |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
Coffee break |
3:45pm-5:45pm |
Session T3A:
OCR and Applications
Poster Session I
Session F3A:
Face and Hand Posture Recognition
Poster Session II
Session S3A:
Object Recognition and Modeling
Poster Session III
6:00pm |
Reception |
Banquet |
* Invited Talks will be held in LTB
* Session xxA will be held in LTB
* Session xxB will be held in LTC
* All Poster Sessions will be held at the Academic Concourse
* Coffee Breaks will be held at the Academic Concourse
* Room 1403 is assigned to be the authors’ preparation room.
* Room 1401, 1402 are conference offices for general enquiry
Thursday, January 8, 1998.
Invited Talk:
Pen Computing -- An Overview
Krishna S. Nathan
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, U.S.A.
Pen computing has had its share of ups and downs over the past few years - from the heady promises of handwriting recognition and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to the disenchantment due to poor sales of pen based computers and the lack of credible applications for them. In my talk, I will discuss the issues that have led to this state of affairs, as well the current trends in the industry. The main challenges facing pen computing today will also be explored. These include improving algorithms for handwriting recognition, building better and more natural hardware platforms and designing user interfaces that take into account the demands multimodal input. The talk will also touch upon work in this area that is being carried out at the T.J. Watson Research Center at IBM.
Speaker’s Biography:
Krishna S. Nathan is Senior Manager of Consumer Devices at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY where he is responsible for research and development activities in handwriting recognition, novel mobile pen platforms and related applications.
Dr. Nathan joined IBM Research in 1991 after receiving a doctoral degree in Electrical Sciences from Brown University in the area of speech recognition. Prior to that he was a Member of Technical Staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. He holds a master degree in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Ma. His professional interests are in the areas of pattern recognition, signal processing and mobile computing.
Friday, January 9, 1998.
Invited Talk:
Image Guided Surgical Systems
Eric Grimson
M.I.T., U.S.A.
Imagine giving a surgeon an "X-Ray vision" ability, that is, allowing him to look at a patient and see through skin, bone, fat to visualize internal structures, like tumor or blood vessels, exactly as they occur within the patient. Imagine allowing him to insert instruments through narrow openings in the body, yet still be able to visualize the full anatomical context around the instrument. Such capabilities would enable a surgeon to better plan procedures, to navigate through delicate procedures and to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical procedures, e.g "have I removed all of the tumor". This talk will describe such an image guided surgical system, currently in regular use at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston for neurosurgical cases. The system combines a suite of computer vision techniques, and allows a surgeon to visualize internal structures in registration with the patient, to interactively probe points within the patient and see the full anatomtical context of his position, and to evaluate progress of the surgical procedure. Related techniques allow a clinician to noninvasively map functional areas of the cortex, such as motor cortex, in order to provide the surgeon with registered information about critical structures during surgery.
Speaker’s Biography:
Eric Grimson received a B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Regina in 1975 and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from MIT in 1980. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT and a Lecturer on Radiology at Harvard Medical School. For the past twenty years, he has conducted research on computer vision, and has authored two technical monographs in this field. Prof. Grimson currently heads the Computer Vision Group of MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, which has pioneered state of the art systems for object recognition, image database indexing, image guided surgery, target recognition, site modeling and many other areas of computer vision. Recently, his group has been active in applying vision techniques in medicine: for image guided surgery minimally invasive surgery and telemedicine.
Saturday, January 10, 1998.
Invited Talk:
Computational Color: Digital Photography and Computer Vision
Brian Funt
Simon Fraser University, B.C., Canada
The members of the Computational Vision Laboratory at Simon Fraser University have been studying color for over a decade. I will discuss some of the main color issues, the progress we have made in the understanding them and the application of our methods to color-based object recognition and digital photography.
To explain color perception, we much explain how it is that we see colors as relatively stable despite changes in the incident illumination. I make the assumption that color like the rest of visual perception is there to give us information about the world, the surface properties of objects in particular, and so the stability and reliability of the information is important. The problem of color stability arises because the light reaching our eyes from an object is the product of the object’s surface reflectance and the spectrum of the light illuminating the object. We do no have direct access to the properties of the incident light, so somehow we must estimate them from the light we receive from the object. To make matters worse, our eyes only measure the spectrum at extremely low resolution.
Clearly, a stable representation of object color would be useful in computer vision. It is equally important for digital photography since we do not want images to produce images whose color balance depends on the qualities of the ambient scene illumination. Until recently the growth of digital photography was limited less by camera technology than by the lack of economical digital printers with photographic quality a situation that has changed gramatically in the last six months with the introduction of some new ink jet printer technology (e.g. the Hewlett-Packard Photo Smart Printer). Digital photography is providing new impetus to the search for better model of color perception. Comparative tests of many different color constancy methods show that two work most reliably: one based on a neural network to estimate the illumination properties from a color histogram, and a second based on the constraints provided by the image gamut.
Speaker’s Biography:
Brian Funt is the Director of the Center for Systems Science and Professor of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University where he has been since 1980. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.(1976) degrees from the UBC, Canada. His research has focussed on computational models of color perception for 15 years. At iccv-2, he was awarded the Marr prize for “color from Black and White”. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing responsible for papers on color in particular.
Saturday, January 10, 1998.
Invited Talk:
Color Vision and Color Media Processing Research in Asia
Shoji Tominaga
Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
I will survey the state of color vision and color media processing research in Asia from a computation viewpoint. First, I will discuss briefly the principles of color vision and color measurement. Then I describe why color constancy is important and difficult to be realized in machine vision. The goal of computational color constancy is to recover the physical properties of illuminant and surface from photosensor responses. I introduce a vision system for color constancy and our current results.
Next, I will discuss algorithms for understanding complex color images. Real images exhibit rich and complex structure, whose nature is determined by the physical and geometric properties of illumination, reflection, and imaging. I suggest some reflection models adequate for describing light reflection of a variety of materials. Then approaches are introduced for estimating scene parameters based on the reflection models.
Finally, I will discuss the issue of color management. The concept of device-independent color reproduction of image has received wide spread attention since the advent of desk-top publishing systems. Color reproduction requires color conversion between the color signals, depending on a device, and the standard color coordinates, representing color appearance. Mapping methods are introduced for solving the color conversion problem for color printers.
Speaker’s Biography:
Shoji Tominaga was born in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, on April 12, 1947. He received the B.E., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan, in 1970, 1972, and 1975, respectively. From 1975 to 1976, he was with Electrotechnical Laboratory. Since April 1976, he has been with Osaka Electro-Communication University, Neyagawa, Osaka, where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Engineering Informatics. During the 1987-1988 academic year he was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Psychology, Stanford University. His research interests include computational color vision, color image analysis, and neural networks. He is a member of the Optical Society of America, IEEE, SID and IS&T.
Conference Programme: Technical Sessions
Thursday, January 8, 1998
9:00am - 10:15am Invited Talk
Pen computing - an overview
10:15am - 10:30am Coffee Break
10:30am - 12:30pm Session T1A and Session T1B
Session T1A: Special Session on Biometry I
Chairs: Anil Jain and Sharath Pankanti
1. Research Issues in Biometrics*
Ruud M. Bolle, Nalini K. Ratha, and S. Pankanti
2. Automatic On-line Signature Verification*
3. Integrating Faces and Fingerprints for Personal Identification
4. Automated Fingerprint Pattern Classification Error Analysis*
5. A High-Dimensional Indexing Scheme for Scalable Fingerprint-Based Identification*
Andrea Califano, Bob Germain, and Scott Colville
Session T1B: Physics-Based Vision
Chairs: Shoji Tominaga and Horace Ip
1. Sign of Surface Curvature from Shading Images Using Neural Network
Yuji Iwahori, Masamitsu Murakami, Robert J. Woodham and Naohiro Ishii
2. On the Classification of Singular Points for the Global Shape from Shading Problem: A Study of the Constraints Imposed by Isophotes
Takayuki Okatani and Koichiro Deguchi
3. Determination of Sign of Gaussian Curvature of Surface Having General Reflectance Property
Takayuki Okatani and Koichiro Deguchi
4. Estimating Depth Through the Fusion of Photometric Stereo Images
Joao L. Fernandes and Jose R. A. Torreao
5. Out of the Dark: Using Shadows to Reconstruct 3D Surfaces
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 3:30pm Session T2A and Session T2B
Session T2A: Special Session on Color Vision I
1. Estimation of Reflection Parameters from a Color Image*
2. Color Edge Detection using Orthogonal Polynomials
R. Krishnamoorthi and P. Bhatacharyya
3. A Color Normalization Algorithm for Image Indexing*
In Kyu Park, Il Dong Yun and Sang Uk Lee
4. Adaptive Color-Image Embeddings for Database Navigation*
Yossi Rubner, Carlo Tomasi and Leonidas F. Guibas
5. A Large Capacity Steganography Using Color BMP Images*
Koichi Nozaki, Michiharu Niimi, Richard O. Eason and Eiji Kawaguchi
Session T2B: Robot Vision and Navigation
1. Dynamic Calibration of an Active Vision System to Compute the Ground Plane Transformation
Fuxing Li and Michael Brady
2. Identification of 3D Reference Structures for Video-Based Localization
Darius Burschka and Stefan A. Blum
3. Directing Robots with Visual Primitives for Navigation and Micro-manipulation
W. B. Tong, S.K. Tso, S. Lang, G.Z. Lu and S.D. Ma
4. Combining Camera and Laser Radar for ALV Navigation
5. Stereo Vision-Based Obstacle Detection for Partially Sighted People
Stephen Se and Michael Brady
3:30pm - 3:45pm Coffee break
3:45pm - 5:45pm Session T3A and Session T3B
Session T3A: OCR and Applications
Chairs: D.Y. Yeung and Xiaoqing Ding
1. Evaluation and Application of Recognition Confidence in OCR
Xiaofan Lin, Xiaoqing Ding, Youbin Chen, Jinhui Liu, and Youshou Wu
2. A New Nonlinear Shape Normalization Method for Off-line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
Youbin Chen, Xiaoqing Ding, Youshou Wu and Ming Chen
3. A Novel Triangulation Procedure for Thinning Cursive Text
Stanley S. Ipson, Muhammed Melhi and William Booth
4. Digital Geometric Methods in Image Analysis and Compression
Ari Gross and Longin Latecki
5. Detection and Enhancement of Small Masses via Precision Multiscale Analysis
Dongwei Chen, Chun-Ming Chang, and Andrew Laine
6. A Method of Industrial Parts Surface Inspection Based on an Optics Model
Norifumi Katafuchi, Mutsuo Sano, Shuichi Ohara and Masashi Okudaira
Poster Session I
1. Illumination Color from the Blurred Inter-reflection of a Reference Nose
Mohamed Abdellatif, Yutaka Tanaka, Akio Gofuku and Isaku Nagai
2. Shape Recovery from One Image under Multiple Light Sources
Ying-li Tian, H. T. Tsui and S.Y. Yeung
3. Spherical and Cylindrical Light Source Models for Shape Recovery
Ying-li Tian, H.T. Tsui and S.Y. Yeung
4. Polyhedral Shape Recovery Based on Interreflections
Jun Yang, Dili Zhang, Noboru Ohnishi and Noboru Sugie
5. Improved Supervised Color Constancy for Color Inspection
Xuesheng Bai and Guangyou Xu
6. Unsupervised Filtering of Munsell Spectra
M. Hauta-Kasari, W. Wang, S. Toyooka, J. Parkkinen and R. Lenz
7. Foveated Vision for Scene Exploration
Naoki Oshiro, Atsushi Nishikawa, Noriaki Maru and Fumio Miyazaki
8. Evolutionary Methods Applied to Binocular Disparity Estimation
Carla L. Pagliari and Tim J. Dennis
9. Robust Epipolar Geometry Estimation Using Genetic Algorithm
Jinxiang Chai and SongDe Ma
10. New Development of Stereo Vision: A Solution of Motion Stereo Correspondence
11. Acquisition of Three-Dimensional Information Using Omnidirectional Stereo Vision
Atsushi Chaen, Kazumasa Yamazawa, Naokazu Yokoya and Haruo Takemura
12. Error Analysis in Stereo Vision
R.S. Ramakrishna and B. Vaidyanathan
13. Detecting Targets in SAR Images: A Machine Learning Approach
Qi Zhang, Zoran Duric and Ryszard S. Michalski
14. Precise Matching by Robust Estimation of Deformation and Local Coherence
Zhong-Dan Lan, Roger Mohr and Long Quan
15. Active Viewpoint Control for Shape from Occluding Contours
Takashi Akutsu, Kenichi Arakawa and Hiroshi Murase
16. Point Selection: A New Comparison Scheme for Size Functions (With an Application to Monogram Recognition)
Massimo Ferri, Patrizio Frosini, Alberto Lovato and Chiara Zambelli
17. Sketch Up: Towards Qualitative Shape Data Management
Costantino Collina, Massimo Ferri, Patrizio Frosini and Eleonora Porcellini
18. Robust Matching and Hierarchical Recognition of 2-D Shapes Using "Chain of Circles"
Jae-Moon Chung and Noboru Ohnishi
19. Finding the Center of Rotational Symmetry from Noisy Forms
Hyoung Seop Kim, Nachi Motomura and Seiji Ishikawa
20. Recognition in Wavelet-Compressed Imagery
Wei Hu and W. Brent Seales
21. Fast Image Template and Dictionary Matching Algorithms
22. Recognition of Planar Shapes Using Algebraic Invariants from Higher Degree Implicit Polynomials
Satish Kaveti, Eam Khwang Teoh, and Han Wang
23. Object Recognition and Orientation via Zernike Moments
Samer M. Abdallah, Eduardo M. Nebot and David C. Rye
24. A Study of Zernike Moment Computing
Simon X. Liao and Miroslaw Pawlak
25. Query Expansion by Raw Image Features and Text Annotations in Image Retrieval
Kok F. Lai, Hong Zhou and Syin Chan
26. Montage: An Image Database for the Fashion, Textile, and Clothing Industry in Hong Kong
Tak Kan Lau and Irwin King
27. Auto Cameraman Via Collaborative Sensing Agents
Qian Huang, Yuntao Cui, Supun Samarasekera and Michael Greiffenhagen
28. Dynamic Adaptive Data Structures for Semantic Analysis and Synthesis of Video Information
V.V. Alexandrov, E.V. Laikov and B.E. Frenkel
29. Recognition of Simple Curved Surfaces from 3D Surface Data
Alan M. McIvor and Peter T. Waltenberg
30. A Recursive Fitting-and-Splitting Algorithm for 3-D Object Modeling Based on Superquadrics
Hongbin Zha, Tsuyoshi Hoshide and Tsutomu Hasegawa
31. Learning and Recognizing 3D Objects by Using Partial Planar Curve Matching Method
32. Contour Matching Technique for 3D Object Recognition Using Kalman Filter
M. Hanmandlu and V. Shantaram
33. Kalman Filter Based Matching Technique for 3D Object Recognition
M. Hanmandlu and V. Shantaram
34. A Generating Method for 3-dimensional Knitting Cloth Shapes
Tatsushi Funahashi, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Masashi Yamada, Hirohisa Seki and Hidenori Itoh
35. A Fast Mesh Deformation Method to Build Spherical Representation Models of 3D Objects
Antonio Adan, Carlos Cerrada and Vicente Feliu
36. Semi-automatic 3D Object Digitizing System Using Range Images
C. Schutz, T. Jost and H. Hugli
6:00 - 7:30 pm Reception at the University Center
Friday, January 9, 1998
9:00am - 10:15am Invited Talk
Image Guided Surgical Systems
10:15am - 10:30am Coffee Break
10:30am - 12:30pm Session F1A and Session F1B
Session F1A: Special Session on Biometry II
Chairs: Anil Jain and Sharath Pankanti
1. Technical Evaluation of Biometric Systems*
2. Face Recognition from Sequences Using Models of Identity
Stephen McKenna and Shaogang Gong
3. Enhancing Human Face Detection using Motion and Active Contours
Kin Choong Yow and Roberto Cipolla
4. Learning Identity and Behaviour with Neural Networks
Jonathan Howell and Hilary Buxton
5. Open Sesame! Speech, Password or Key to Secure Your Door?*
Stephane Maes and Homayoon Beigi
Session F1B: Low-Level Processing
Chairs: Ram Nevatia and Brent Seales
1. A Unified Framework for Image-Derived Invariants
Yuan-Fang Wang and Ronald-Bryan O. Alferez
2. Stereo Correspondences in Scale Space
3. Fast Stereo Matching in Compressed Video
Michael S. Brown and W. Brent Seales
4. Robust Total least Squares Based Optic Flow Computation
Alireza Bab-Hadiashar and David Suter
5. Image Processing via the Beltrami Operator
R. Kimmel, R. Malladi and N. Sochen
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 3:30pm Session F2A and Session F2B
Session F2A: Special Session on Color Vision II
1. Efficient Contour Extraction in Color Images*
2. A Natural Norm for Color Processing*
3. Fast and Robust Segmentation of Natural Color Scenes*
Volker Rehrmann and Lutz Priese
4. Segmentation and Tracking Using Color Mixture Models
Yogesh Raja, Stephen McKenna and Shaogang Gong
5. Object Tracking Using Adaptive Color Mixture Models*
Stephen McKenna, Yogesh Raja and Shaogang Gong
Session F2B: Active Vision
Chairs: Michael Jenkin and Ronald Chung
1. A Learning Approach to Fixating on 3D Targets with Active Cameras
Narayan Srinivasa and Narendra Ahuja
2. Automatic Detection and Tracking of Human Heads Using an Active Stereo Vision System
Cheng-Yuan Tang, Yi-Ping Hung, and Zen Chen
3. Front Propagation and Level-Set Approach for Geodesic Active Stereovision
Rachid Deriche, Christophe Bouvin and Olivier Faugeras
4. A Bayes Nets-Based Prediction/Verification Scheme for Active Visual Reconstruction
Eric Marchand and Francois Chaumette
5. Actively Building Models with VIRTUE
J. Lang and Michael R.M. Jenkin
3:30pm - 3:45pm Coffee Break
3:45pm - 5:45pm Session F3A and Session F3B
Session F3A: Face and Hand Posture Recognition
Chairs: Stephen J. McKenna and Mark Liao
1. Using RBF Networks to Map GWT Ridge Images to Pose
Alexandra Psarrou and Jonathan Tanner
2. 3-D Pose Estimation and Model Refinement of an Articulated Object from a Monocular Image Sequence
Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai, Yoshinori Kuno and Jun Miura
3. Face Synthesis with Arbitrary Pose and Expression from Several Images - An Integration of Image-Based and Model-Based Approaches
Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Yuichi Nakamura and Yuichi Ohta
4. Live Facial Expression Generation Based on Mixed Reality
Hiromi T. Tanaka, Akira Ishizawa and Hiroaki Adachi
5. Real-Time Tracking of Human Hands from a Sign-Language Image Sequence
Kazuyuki Imagawa, Shan Lu and Seiji Igi
6. The Model-Based Dynamic Hand Posture Identification Using Genetic Algorithm
Cheng-Chang Lien and Chung-Lin Huang
Poster Session II
1. Parallel Implementation of Fractal Image Compression Using Multiple Digital Signal Processors
S.K. Chow, M. Gillies and S.L. Chan
2. Segmentation of MRF Based Image Using Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm
Jin Wook Kim, Eun Yi Kim, Se Hyun Park and Hang Joon Kim
3. Motion Compensated Color Video Classification Using Markov Random Fields
Zoltan Kato, Ting-Chuen Pong and John Chung-Mong Lee
4. Edge-Preserving Smoothing by Convex Minimization
S.Z. Li, Y. H. Huang, J. S. Fu and K. L. Chan
5. On Typical Implementations of Hough Transform for Improving Its Performances
Jun-ichiro H. Hayashi, Kunihito Kato, Toshio Endoh, Kazuhito Murakami, Takashi Toriu and Hiroyasu Koshimizu
6. Hierarchical Segmentation and Representation with Dynamic Link Architecture Neural Network
Yunqiang Chen and SongDe Ma
7. Perceptually Consistent Segmentation of Texture Using Multiple Channel Filter
Nan Zhang and Wee Kheng Leow
8. Optimal Edge Detection under Difficult Imaging Conditions
Md. Shoaib Bhuiyan, Yuji Iwahori and Akira Iwata
9. Restoring Image Quality Through Structure Preserving De-noising
Krishna Ratakonda and Narendra Ahuja
10. Feature Saliency from Noise Variations in Invariants
Mark Jenkinson and Michael Brady
11. Multiscale Image Representation and Edge Detection
Fang Chen and David Suter
12. Rotation Invariant Texture Features from Gabor Filters
13. Euclidean Invariants of Linear Scale-Spaces
14. Segmenting Objects at Multiple Scales : A Robust Approach
15. Multi-grid Edge Models for Magnifying Digital Images
16. Scale and Rotation Invariant Recognition Method Using Higher Order Local Autocorrelation Features of Log-Polar Image
Takio Kurita, Kazuhiro Hotta and Taketoshi Mishima
17. Script and Language Identification from Document Images
18. Document Categorization for Document Image Understanding
Hiroyuki Masai and Toyohide Watanabe
19. Recognition of Various Bar-graph Structures Based on Layout Model
Naoko Yokokura and Toyohide Watanabe
20. Word-Class Bigram Statistics Language Model for a Hand-Written Chinese Character Recognizer
Pak-Kwong Wong and Chorkin Chan
21. Log Classification by Single X-ray Scans Using Texture Features from Growth Rings
22. Precise and Fast Form Identification Method by Using Adaptive Base Lines for Matching
Hiroaki Takebe, Yutaka Katsuyama and Satoshi Naoi
23. Combinatorial Coarse Classification Method for OLCCR
Jing Zheng, Xiaoqing Ding, Youshou Wu and Fanxia Guo
24. Detecting Characters in Grey-Scale Scene Images
Yongmei Liu, Tsuyoshi Yamamura, Noboru Ohnishi and Noboru Sugie
25. Conic Based Image Transfer for 2-D Objects: A Linear Algorithm
26. Minimal Conditions on Intrinsic Paramenters for Euclidean Reconstruction
Anders Heyden and Kalle Astrom
27. Surface Based Hypothesis Verification in Intensity Images Using Geometric and Appearance Data
J.H.M. Byne and J.A.D.W. Anderson
28. Next Best Viewpoint (NBV) Planning for Active Object Modeling Based on a Learning-by-Showing Approach
Hongbin Zha, Ken'ichi Morooka and Tsutomu Masegawa
29. Object Recognition by Matching Symbolic Edge Graphs
Tino Laurens and Rolf P. Wurtz
30. Interpretation of Complex Scenes Using Bayesian Networks
Mark F. Westling and Larry S. Davis
31. Recognition of Urban Scene Using Silhouette of Buildings and City Map Database
Peilin Liu, Wei Wu, Katsushi Ikeuchi and Masao Sakauchi
32. A Cooperative Inference Mechanism for Extracting Road Information Automatically
Masakazu Nishijima and Toyohide Watanabe
33. Model-based Active Object Recognition Using MRF Matching and Sensor Planning
Tianrong Liu, Kap Luk Chan and Stan Ziqing Li
34. Improved Image Classification Using Morphing
W. Brent Seales and Cheng Jiun Yuan
35. Reconstruction of Non-manifold Objects from Two Orthographic Views
Chang-Hun Kim and Tae-Jung Suh
36. 3D Object Recognition Using Segment-Based Stereo Vision
Yasushi Sumi and Fumiaki Tomita
37. Robust Motion Segmentation Using Rank Ordering Estimators
Alireza Bab-Hadiashar and David Suter
6:00pm Banquet - The Jumbo Floating Restaurant,
Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Saturday, January 10, 1998
9:00am - 10:15am Invited Talk
The State of Color Vision Research
Color Vision and Color Media Processing Research in Asia
10:15am - 10:30am Coffee Break
10:30am - 12:30pm Session S1A and Session S1B
Session S1A: Special Session on Recent Advances in Computer Vision
1. Recent Advances in Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images*
Sanjay Noronha and Ram Nevatia
2. Visual Surveillance of Human Activity*
Larry Davis, Sandor Fejes, David Harwood, Yaser Yacoob, Ismail Hariatoglu and Michael Black.
3. Bayesian Paradigm for Recognition of Objects - Innovative Applications*
J. K. Aggarwal and Shishir Shah
4. Toward Motion Picture Grammars*
Ruud Bolle, Yiannis Aloimonos and Cornelia Fermuller
Session S1B: Segmentation and Grouping
Chairs: Zoltan Kato and Eam Khwang Teoh
1. Hierarchical Texture Segmentation
2. Range Image Segmentation: Adaptive Grouping of Edges into Regions
Xiaoyi Jiang and Horst Bunke
3. Optimising the Complete Image Feature Extraction Chain
M. Mirmehdi, P. L. Palmer and J. Kittler
4. A Unified Framework for Salient Curves, Regions, and Junctions Inference
Mi-Suen Lee and Gerard Medioni
5. Learning Multiscale Image Models of 2D Object Classes
Benoit Perrin, Narendra Ahuja and Narayan Srinivasa
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 3:30pm Session S2A and Session S2B
Session S2A: Special Session on Computer Vision & Virtual Reality
1. 3D Model Centered Framework for CV and VR*
2. Image-Based Geometrically-Correct Photorealistic Scene/Object Modeling(IBPhM): A Review*
3. Measuring Object Surface Shape and Reflectance Properties*
Yoichi Sato, Mark D. Wheeler, and Katsushi Ikeuchi
4. Robust Image Composition Algorithms for Augmented Reality*
Marie-Odile Berger and Gilles Simon
5. Context-Based Recognition of Manipulative Hand Gestures for Human Computer Interaction*
Kang-Hyun Jo, Yoshinori Kuno and Yoshiaki Shirai
Session S2B: Motion Analysis
Chairs: Yuan Fang Wang and Hung-Tat Tsui
1. An Algorithm for Recursive Structure and Motion Recovery under Affine Projection
Miroslav Trajkovic and Mark Hedley
2. Relative Affine Depth: Structure from Motion by an Uncalibrated Camera
Zhong-Ying Zhang and Hung-Tat Tsui
3. The Eigenspace Method for Rigid Motion Recovery from less than Eight Point Correspondences
Miroslav Trajkovic and Mark Hedley
4. 3D Shape and Motion Analysis from Image Blur and Smear: A Unified Approach
Yuan-Fang Wang and Ping Liang
5. 3D Line's Extraction from 2D Spatio-temporal Image Created by Sine Slit
Pingtao Wang, Katsushi Ikeuchi and Masao Sakauchi
6. Toward Non-intrusive Motion Capture
Bottino, A. Laurentini and P. Zuccone
3:30pm - 3:45pm Coffee break
3:34pm - 5:45pm Session S3A and Session S3B
Session S3A: Object Recognition and Modeling
Chairs: Yoshiaki Shirai and John C.M. Lee
1. Appearance Based Visual Learning and Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
Kohtaro Ohba, Yoichi Sato and Katsusi Ikeuchi
2. Evidence-Based Scene Interpretation Considering Subjective Certainty of Recognition
Yasuhiro Taniguchi and Yoshiaki Shirai
3. Robust Hypothesis Verification for Model Based Object Recognition Using Gaussian Error Model
4. Shape Modeling from Multiple View Images Using GAs
Satoshi Kirihara and Hideo Saito
5. 3-D Reconstruction of Multipart Self-Occluding Objects
Nebojsa Jojic, Jin Gu, Helen C. Shen and Thomas S. Huang
6. On Analysis of Cloth Drape Range Data
Nebojsa Jojic and Thomas S. Huang
Poster Session III
1. VR Models from Epipolar Images: An Approach to Minimize Errors In Synthesized Images
Mikio Shinya, Takafumi Saito, Takeaki Mori and Noriyoshi Osumi
2. Shape and Pose Parameter Estimation of 3D Multi-Part Objects
Satoshi Yonemoto, Naoyuki Tsuruta and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi
3. Generating 3D Models of Objects Using Multiple Visual Cues in Image Sequences
Jiang Yu Zheng, Akio Murata and Norihiro Abe
4. Strategical Tracking of Polyhedral Objects by Reactive Change of Projection Pattern - Reactive Range Finder
Takeshi Mita, Shinsaku Hiura, Hirokazu Kato and Seiji Inokuchi
5. Autonomous Vision-Guided Robot Manipulation Control
Wey-Shiuan Hwang and John (Juyang) Weng
6. A New Adaptive Approach on Rapid Obstacle Detection in Range Image
Qi Zhang , Weikang Gu and Xiuqing Ye
7. Recognition of Shape Model for General Roads
Keiichi Uchimura and Zhencheng Hu
8. Visual Detection of Obstacles Assuming a Locally Planar Ground
Manolis I.A. Lourakis and Stelios C. Orphanoudakis
9. Potential-Based Modeling of 2D Regions Using Non-uniform Source Distributions
Jen-Hui Chuang, Chi-Hao Tsai, Wei-Hsin Tsai and Chuei-Yaw Yang
10. A Linear Algorithm for Motion from Three Weak Perspective Images Using Euler Angles
Gang Xu and Noriko Sugimoto
11. On Learning Spatio-Temporal Relational Structures in Two Different Domains
Adrian R. Pearce, Terry Caelli and Simon Goss
12. An Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Algirithm
S.H. Or, W.S. Luk, K.H. Wong and I. King
13. A New Multistage Approach to Motion and Structure Estimation by Gradually Enforcing Geometric Constraints
14. Tracking a Person with Pre-recorded Image Database and a Pan, Tilt, and Zoom Camera
Yimimg Ye, John K. Tsotsos, Karen Bennet and Eric Harley
15. Recovery of Motion and Structure from Optical Flow under Perspective Projection by Solving Linear Simultaneous Equations
Toshiharu Mukai and Noboru Ohnishi
16. Vector Coherence Mapping: A Parallelizable Approach to Image Flow Computation
Francis K.H. Quek and Robert K. Bryll
17. Optical Flow in the Scale Space
18. Motion Detection in Temporal Clutter
19. A Novel Fast Three-Step Search Algorithm for Block-Matching Motion Estimation
William Booth, James M. Noras and Donglai Xu
20. Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Image Sequences
Yi Lu, Jason Miller and Tie Qi Chen
21. Gesture Recognition from Image Motion Based on Subspace Method and HMM
Yoshio Iwai, Tadashi Hata and Masahiko Yachida
22. Identifying Faces under Varying Pose Using a Single Example View
Dadet Pramadihanto, Yoshio Iwai, Masahiko Yachida and Haiyuan Wu
23. Multiple Camera Based Human Motion Estimation
Akira Utsumi, Hiroki Mori, Jun Ohya and Masahiko Yachida
24. An Autonomous Facial Caricaturing Based on a Model of Visual Illusion- Experimental Modeling of Visual Illusion
Kazuhito Murakami, Mikiko Takai and Hiroyasu Koshimizu
25. 3D Estimation of Facial Muscle Parameter from the 2D Marker Movement using Neural Network
Takahiro Ishikawa, Hajime Sera, Shigeo Morishima and Demetri Terzopoulos
26. Appearance-Based Face Recognition under Large Head Rotations in Depth
Shaogang Gong, Eng-Jon Ong and Peter J. Loft
27. Skin-Color Modeling and Adaptation
Jie Yang, Weier Lu and Alex Waibel
28. Human Information Retrieval by Face Extraction and Recognition on TV News Images Using Subspace Method
Yasuo Ariki, Noriyuki Ishikawa and Yoshiaki Sugiyama
29. Converting Facial Expressions Using Recognition-Based Analysis of Image Sequences
Takahiro Otsuka and Jun Ohya
30. Muscle-Based Feature Models for Analyzing Facial Expressions
H. Hiroshi Ohta, Hitoshi Saji and Hiromasa Nakatani
31. A Morphological Method for Moving Object Segmentation and Posture Recognition
Yi Li, Songde Ma and Hanqing Lu
32. Detection of Glasses in Facial Images
Xiaoyi Jiang, M. Binkert, B. Achermann and H. Bunke
33. Non-monotonic Continuous Dynamic Programming for Spotting Recognition of Hesitated Gestures from Time-Varying Images
T. Nishimura, T. Mukai and R. Oka
34. Face Recognition Using a Face-Only Database: A New Approach
H.Y. Mark Liao, Chin-Chuan Han, Gwo-Jong Yu, Hsiao-Rong Tyan, Meng Chang Chen and Liang-Hua Chen
35. A New Method for Enhancement and Improvement of Image Contrast Based on Lateral Inhibition Model
Takashi Sakamoto and Toshikazu Kato
* Invited papers

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