PC2 - Programming Contest Control System

Download PC^2 , and unzip it first.

Since 2004, in the HKUST Local Programming Contest, all the contestants will use PC2 to submit their source code to the judge. This is a brief introduction to the usage and the interface of PC2. For those of you who do not have any contest experiences, you are highly recommended to attend the trial run in the morning before the real contest in order to familiarize yourselves this piece of software.

With PC2, contestants can submit source codes, ask for clarifications and view the submittion status during the contest. When you start running PC2, you will be prompted to enter your login and password, which will be given to you before the contest.

After successful login, you will see there are only four tab-pages. The first one is for you to submit your source code. You should select the problem that you are going to submit, the programming language (in our case, only C/C++ can be chosen) and the source file from the local system.

In the second tab-page, you can ask for the clarification from the judge if you think some of the problem statement is not clear enough. The judge will response to you through PC2 as well.

After you submit a source code to the judge, you can view your submittion status from the third tab-page. It will show all you submittion history and whether the submittion is accepted or not.

You can change your password for the contest in the last tab-page.