DaMoN 2008 Logo

Fourth International Workshop on
Data Management on New Hardware
(DaMoN 2008)

Vancouver, Canada

June 13, 2008

Colocated with


Call for Papers
Submission Instructions
Camera-Ready Instructions
Accepted Papers
Workshop Program
Previous Offerings

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:
 April 11, 2008
 5:00pm PST
 May 2, 2008
Camera-Ready Due:
 May 16, 2008
 5:00pm PST
 June 13, 2008

.: Paper Submission Instructions

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as PDF files and be formatted using the camera-ready templates. Papers cannot exceed six pages in length. Nevertheless, authors are allowed to include extra material beyond the six pages as a clearly marked appendix, which reviewers are not obliged to read but could read if they feel it is useful.

Accepted papers will be included in the informal proceedings to be distributed at the workshop, and will be available on the workshop's Web site. Additionally, the accepted papers will be published online in the ACM digital library. The papers must include the standard ACM copyright notice on the first page.

The electronic submission Web site is hosted at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/DaMoN2008

Call for Papers | Registration | Submission Instructions | Camera-Ready Instructions | Accepted Papers | Program | Previous Offerings | Sponsors