.: News
- Jun 13, 2011: The DaMoN 2011 proceedings is online.
You can also check out individual papers in the program page.
- Jun 8, 2011: The DaMoN 2011 program is online together with information about the keynote and panel. - Apr 22, 2011: List of accepted papers is announced. - Mar 25, 2011: As per author request, the final submission deadline is extended to Apr 4 Monday 6:00AM PST. Note that you still have to submit a version of your paper by Mar 30 Wednesday 5:00PM PST the original deadline. Between Mar 30 and Apr 4, you can update your submission in the CMT site.
- Mar 23, 2011: The submission site is open at:
- Feb 28, 2011: The keynote speaker will be
Dr. Parthasarathy (Partha) Ranganathan
from HP Labs. .: Objective
The aim of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers who are interested in optimizing database performance on modern computing infrastructure by designing new data management techniques and tools.
.: Topics of Interest
The continued evolution of computing hardware and infrastructure imposes new challenges and bottlenecks to program performance. As a result, traditional database architectures that focus solely on I/O optimization increasingly fail to utilize hardware resources efficiently. CPUs with superscalar out-of-order execution, simultaneous multi-threading, multi-level memory hierarchies, and future storage hardware (such as MEMS) impose a great challenge to optimizing database performance. Consequently, exploiting the characteristics of modern hardware has become an important topic of database systems research.
The goal is to make database systems adapt automatically to the sophisticated hardware characteristics, thus maximizing performance transparently to applications. To achieve this goal, the data management community needs interdisciplinary collaboration with computer architecture, compiler and operating systems researchers. This involves rethinking traditional data structures, query processing algorithms, and database software architectures to adapt to the advances in the underlying hardware infrastructure. We seek submissions bridging the area of database systems to computer architecture, compilers, and operating systems. In particular, submissions covering topics from the following non-exclusive list are encouraged:
.: Workshop Co-Chairs