ITEPC 01 - Mobile Phone Application Using Java 2 Micro Edition
(Faculty supervisor: Prof. CHAN, Gary S.H. & Prof. CHEUNG, Shing-Chi)
Objectives and Description:
As a modern, objected-oriented, platform independent Language, Java is very popular nowadays. It is also widely used, because the Java technology is applied in many places, such as web pages, PCs, printers, PDAs, mobile phones, games, TVs, and cars.
Mobile phone is the most popular mobile computing device nowadays. Since the computation power to mobile is increasing rapidly, there is increasing needed for application for mobile phones.
The focus of this project is on mobile phone application development using Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), and Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) for J2ME is used in this project. Although the name of the type of J2ME used is quite long, J2ME is not difficult to learn.

Language of instruction:
Cantonese or English
Software tools / programming languages involved:

Tutorial will be provided once a week at first two months after starting of the project. The tutorial will cover programming skills from basic Java to J2ME (using MIDP). It is expected that students do not have any programming experience in Java.
Students will finally write a Mobile phone application. A simple game application is provided, so that students can choose to modify the simple Java game as their project.
Things students will learn:
Internet/mobile computing concepts and programming, including Peer-to-Peer, TCP/IP, cellular networks, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, Java, J2ME and so on.
Prior experience in programming languages, such as Java, C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, Basics, Perl, PHP or Java Script, is preferred.