ITEPC 06 - Lego Robotics Programming Course

(Faculty supervisor: Prof. YANG, Qiang)

Objectives and Description:

Lego robotics sets consist of both hardware and software components. The robots can be programmed to perform a number of complex tasks, such as playing football, chasing targets etc.

The focus of this project is learning how to compose and program a robot using the lego robotic set. Students will learn both basic robotics, programming with sensors and actuators, and intelligent computation involving artificial intelligence.

Language of instruction:


Software tools / programming languages involved:

Lego Set, Robot C interface.


The tutorial will cover programming skills from basic robot building and robot C.
The final project is to design a working robot.

Things students will learn:

Hardware components of the robot, software controller of the robot, computer robot communication.


Prior experience in any programming languages is preferred.

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