ITEPC 07 - Controlling Your Windows by Voice (Faculty supervisor: Prof. MAK, Brian K.W.)

Project Objectives and Description:

Computers should be our assistants, not our burdens. In view of the digital divide, a lot of efforts are being spent to make computer easier to use. Since speech is one of the most, if not the most, natural way to communicate among people, it will be nice if we may talk to computers which then execute our commands accordingly. Speech again is considered as a good choice of input method on small devices like mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), etc. which cannot afford the size of a typical keyboard for inputs.

Language of instruction:

Cantonese or English

Software tools / programming languages involved:

HTK Speech Toolkit, C++


A voice-controlled interface to Microsoft Windows.

Things students will learn:

  • the basic theory of modern speech recognition technologies
  • a step-by-step walk-through of the process of building of a simple speech recognition application


Students should be good in math and physics. Programming experience will be a big plus.

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