ITEPC 05 - Workshop on Fractal Creation (Faculty supervisor: Prof TAI, Chiew-Lan)

Project Objectives and Description:

The objectives of this project are to introduce simple methods of constructing fractals, to learn some related math, to appreciate the beauty of fractals, and finally to have fun with programming.

By working on this project, students will learn the basics of creating interesting objects using fractals. Some examples are as follows:

In very simple terms, fractals are geometrical shapes, where a certain pattern repeats itself depending on the zoom factor. When you zoom in on a part of the object, it looks the same or very similar to the original object. There are many naturally occurring objects that exhibit this self-similarity in scale. Trees, coastlines, mountain ranges, and clouds are some examples.

In computer programs, fractals are created using recursion. Same (or very similar) drawing operation is repeated until the depth of recursion exceeds a specified number.

Language of instruction:

Cantonese or English


Software tools / programming languages involved:

C++ / OpenGL


To be determined.

Things students will learn:

The main purpose of this project is to give students a brief introduction to fractal construction. It also gives students a chance to learn programming skills in C++.


An interest and good capability in school mathematics and some basic experience in programming (no specific language is needed).

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