Mobile phone application using Java 2 Micro Edition

Outline of the Project:

This is an Information Technology Enhancement project for Gifted Students, co-orgranized by Education and Manpower Bureau and the Department of Computer Science, HKUST. Lectures will only give a simple overview of Java and mobile technology. A details for the use development tools and programming skills are taught in the tutorials.

CS eForum:

Feel free to discuss ITEPC project in CS eForum

Lecture Materials:

To download whole set of lecture note.


Tutorial Materials:

Date Tutorial Topics Remarks
28-04-2006 T01: Download and Install Development Software  
28-04-2006 T02: Basics: int, bool, condition, loop, etc.  
28-04-2006 T03: Basics: Char, String, Array  
19-05-2006 T04: Functions  
19-05-2006 T05: Classes and Objects  
07-07-2006 T06: Inheritance and Interface  
14-07-2006 T07: Midlet and GameConvas 1 These are the major parts of J2ME.
14-07-2006 (ternative) T08: Midlet and GameConvas 2
14-07-2006 (ternative) T09: Final Project This is the final project description.


Supervising faculty members, Prof. CHAN, Shueng-Han Gary & Prof. CHEUNG, Shing-Chi, would come to meet us in the "OFFICAL" meeting:

14-07-2006 Fifth meeting (Room number will be announced later.)
07-07-2006 Fourth meeting (Room 4213).
19-05-2006 Third meeting (Room 4213).
28-04-2006 Second meeting (Room 4213).
01-04-2006 Opening ceremony.


Name E-mail Office Room Number
Cheung Victor MTrec (6518)
Leung Man Fung, Stanley MTrec (6518)