import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import*; import java.util.*; class Constant { public static final int DOWN=0; public static final int LEFT=1; public static final int RIGHT=2; public static final int BLK_SIZE=12; public static final int SPACE=2; public static final int BG_COLOR=0; public static final int BORDER_COLOR=16777215; public static final int BLK_COLOR_0=16737792; public static final int BLK_COLOR_1=16776960; public static final int BLK_COLOR_2=3407871; public static final int BLK_COLOR_3=65280; public static final int TITLE_COLOR=6724095; public static final int MARK_COLOR=16711680; public static final int MIN_MARGIN=2; } class Board { private Block [][] b=null; private int width,height; //A list to hold the block to check whether it should be //removed (remove it if 4 or more same color block lie together. private Vector checkList=null; //A list to hold the block which is deleted in the game board //becasue 4 or more same color lie together. private Vector deleteList=null; private Vector tempDeleteList=null; //if vSpace or hSpace =0, use background color, //if vSpace or hSpace =-1, no need to repaint, //if vSpace or hSpace =1, use b[i][j].color private int[][] vSpace=null; private int[][] hSpace=null; /* For example: width = 3; height = 4; -------->x | ### | ### | ### | ### v y hSpace is 2*4 (note the "|" mark): #|#|# #|#|# #|#|# #|#|# vSpace is 3*3 (note the "-" mark): ### --- ### --- ### --- ### */ Board(int w, int h, Block[][] _b) { width=w; height=h; b=_b; hSpace=new int[w-1][h]; vSpace=new int[w][h-1]; /* Task 1. Initialize every array entries in hSpace and vSpace to be 0. ..... */ } public void setNotCheck() { for(int i=0; i=0; j--) { if(b[i][j].active) { b[i][j].isChecked=false; }else{ break; } } } } public void addToCheck(int x,int y) { if(getBlock(x,y)==null) return; if(checkList==null) { checkList=new Vector(); } checkList.addElement(b[x][y]); } //sorted by the y index value private void insertList(Vector list,Block t) { if(list==null) return; int i=0; for(; i0) { tempBlk=(Block)deleteList.firstElement(); int numOfSpace=0; for(int i=tempBlk.indexY; i>=0; i--) { if(!b[tempBlk.indexX][i].active) { if(deleteList.removeElement(b[tempBlk.indexX][i])) { setFourSpace(tempBlk.indexX,i,0); } numOfSpace++; } else { break; } } if(numOfSpace=0; j--) { if(b[tempBlk.indexX][j].active) { updateBoard(tempBlk.indexX,j,tempBlk.indexX,j+numOfSpace); setFourSpace(tempBlk.indexX,j,0); checkList.addElement(b[tempBlk.indexX][j+numOfSpace]); } else { deleteList.removeElement(b[tempBlk.indexX][j]); numOfSpace++; } } } } deleteList=null; if(checkList.size()>0) { return true; } checkList=null; return false; } // Check the number of block to be removed. public int checkWin() { if(checkList==null) { return 0; } if(checkList.size()==0) { checkList=null; return 0; } setNotCheck(); if(deleteList==null) { deleteList=new Vector(); } Block tempBlk=null; tempBlk=(Block)checkList.firstElement(); checkList.removeElementAt(0); tempDeleteList=new Vector(); tempDeleteList.addElement(tempBlk); numOfSameColor(tempBlk.indexX,tempBlk.indexY); int numOfBlk=tempDeleteList.size(); if(numOfBlk>=4) { for(int i=0; iwidth-1||oldx<0||oldy>height-1||oldy<0) { return false; } if(newx>width-1||newx<0||newy>height-1||newy<0) { return false; } if(newx==oldx&&newy==oldy) { return true; } if(b[newx][newy].active) { return false; } // The varibles specified by the sychronized block cannot be executed // by more than one thread before returned. synchronized(b[newx][newy]) { b[newx][newy].active=true; b[newx][newy].color=b[oldx][oldy].color; b[newx][newy].setUpdate(false); b[oldx][oldy].active=false; b[oldx][oldy].color=Constant.BG_COLOR; b[oldx][oldy].setUpdate(false); } return true; } public Block getBlock(int i, int j) { try{ return b[i][j]; }catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public void setFourSpace(int x, int y, int val) { setSpace(x-1,y,val,false); setSpace(x,y-1,val,true); setSpace(x,y,val,true); setSpace(x,y,val,false); } public void setSpace(int x, int y, int val, boolean isVSpace) { if(isVSpace) { if(x>=0&&y>=0&&x=0&&y>=0&&x=0) { // 1. if hSpace[i][j]==0, color=Constant.BG_COLOR; // otherwise color=b[i][j].color color=(hSpace[i][j]==0)?Constant.BG_COLOR:b[i][j].color; // 2. Set the color of Graphics g as the variable "color". g.setColor(color); // 3. Draw a rectangle in with the left corner=(b[i][j].posX+Constant.BLK_SIZE, b[i][j].posY), // width=Constant.SPACE and height=Constant.BLK_SIZE g.fillRect(b[i][j].posX+Constant.BLK_SIZE, b[i][j].posY,Constant.SPACE,Constant.BLK_SIZE); hSpace[i][j]=-1; } } if(j=0) { /* Task 3: Implement the 3 steps to handle "vSpace" similar to the codes for hSpace. // 1. if vSpace[i][j]==0, color=Constant.BG_COLOR; // otherwise color=b[i][j].color // 2. Set the color of Graphics g as the variable "color". // 3. Draw a rectangle in with the left corner=(b[i][j].posX, b[i][j].posY+Constant.BLK_SIZE), // width=Constant.BLK_SIZE and height=Constant.SPACE */ } } } } } } } class Block { public int posX,posY; // posX, posY store the position values in terms of pixel public int indexX,indexY; // posX, posY store the coodinate values in terms of data grid public int color; public boolean active; public boolean isChecked; private boolean update; public Block(Block b) { posX=b.posX; posY=b.posY; indexX=b.indexX; indexY=b.indexY; color=b.color;; update=false; } synchronized public void setUpdate(boolean val) { update=val; } public boolean getUpdate() { return update; } public Block(int _posX, int _posY, int _indexX, int _indexY) { posX=_posX; posY=_posY; indexX=_indexX; indexY=_indexY; color=Constant.BG_COLOR; active=false; update=false; } public void drawBlock(Graphics g) { g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(posX,posY,Constant.BLK_SIZE,Constant.BLK_SIZE); setUpdate(true); } public static boolean move(Board board, int dir, Block b) { switch(dir) { case Constant.DOWN: return board.updateBoard(b.indexX,b.indexY,b.indexX,b.indexY+1); case Constant.LEFT: return board.updateBoard(b.indexX,b.indexY,b.indexX-1,b.indexY); case Constant.RIGHT: return board.updateBoard(b.indexX,b.indexY,b.indexX+1,b.indexY); } return false; } } class NextBlock { private Block [] blk=null; private Random rand; NextBlock(int x, int y) { rand=new Random(); blk=new Block[2]; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { blk[i]=new Block(x,y+i*(Constant.SPACE+Constant.BLK_SIZE),-1,-1); blk[i].active=true; blk[i].setUpdate(true); } } public void genNextBlock(){ int tempColor=-1; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { switch((Math.abs(rand.nextInt()))%4){ case 0: tempColor=Constant.BLK_COLOR_0; break; case 1: tempColor=Constant.BLK_COLOR_1; break; case 2: tempColor=Constant.BLK_COLOR_2; break; case 3: tempColor=Constant.BLK_COLOR_3; break; } blk[i].color=tempColor; blk[i].setUpdate(false); } } public void drawNextBlock(Graphics g, boolean unconditioned) { //if unconditioned==true, then print all the blocks no matter update or not for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { if(!blk[i].getUpdate()||unconditioned) { blk[i].drawBlock(g); } } } public int[] getNextBlockColor(){ int [] tempColor=new int[2]; tempColor[0]=blk[0].color; tempColor[1]=blk[1].color; return tempColor; } } class ActiveBlock { private Board board=null; private Block [] blk=null; PuzzleCanvas puzzle=null; /* * 0: x * o * * 1: xo * * 2: o * x * * 3: ox */ int type; ActiveBlock(Board b, int color[],PuzzleCanvas p) { board=b; puzzle=p; blk=new Block[2]; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { blk[i]=board.getBlock(3,i); if(blk[i].active) { puzzle.lost=true; } blk[i].active=true; blk[i].color=color[i]; blk[i].setUpdate(false); } type=0; } public void changeType() { int oldx=blk[0].indexX; int oldy=blk[0].indexY; int newx=-1; int newy=-1; boolean isOK=false; switch(type) { case 0: isOK=board.updateBoard(oldx, oldy, oldx-1,oldy+1); newx=oldx-1; newy=oldy+1; break; case 1: isOK=board.updateBoard(oldx, oldy, oldx+1,oldy+1); newx=oldx+1; newy=oldy+1; break; case 2: isOK=board.updateBoard(oldx, oldy, oldx+1,oldy-1); /* Task 4: To rotate anti-clock wise, update the coordinate of blk[0], implement the 4 line below: */ // 1. Update newx // 2. Update newy break; case 3: isOK=board.updateBoard(oldx, oldy, oldx-1,oldy-1); // 3. Update newx // 4. Update newy break; } if(isOK) { type=(type+1)%4; blk[0]=board.getBlock(newx,newy); } } synchronized public int move(int dir) { int numOfUpdate=0; // Numbers of block touches groud. if(dir==Constant.DOWN) { if(type==0||type==2) { int i=(type==0)?0:1; if(board.updateBoard(blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY,blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY+1)) { blk[1-i]=board.getBlock(blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY+1); board.updateBoard(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY,blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY+1); blk[i]=board.getBlock(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY+1); numOfUpdate=2; } } else { for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { if(board.updateBoard(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY,blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY+1)) { blk[i]=board.getBlock(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY+1); numOfUpdate++; } } } } if(dir==Constant.LEFT) { if(type==1||type==3) { int i=(type==1)?1:0; if(board.updateBoard(blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY,blk[1-i].indexX-1,blk[1-i].indexY)) { blk[1-i]=board.getBlock(blk[1-i].indexX-1,blk[1-i].indexY); board.updateBoard(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY,blk[i].indexX-1,blk[i].indexY); blk[i]=board.getBlock(blk[i].indexX-1,blk[i].indexY); numOfUpdate=2; } } else { int i=(type==0)?0:1; if(board.updateBoard(blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY,blk[1-i].indexX-1,blk[1-i].indexY)) { blk[1-i]=board.getBlock(blk[1-i].indexX-1,blk[1-i].indexY); board.updateBoard(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY,blk[i].indexX-1,blk[i].indexY); blk[i]=board.getBlock(blk[i].indexX-1,blk[i].indexY); numOfUpdate=2; } } } if(dir==Constant.RIGHT) { if(type==1||type==3) { int i=(type==1)?0:1; if(board.updateBoard(blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY,blk[1-i].indexX+1,blk[1-i].indexY)) { blk[1-i]=board.getBlock(blk[1-i].indexX+1,blk[1-i].indexY); board.updateBoard(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY,blk[i].indexX+1,blk[i].indexY); blk[i]=board.getBlock(blk[i].indexX+1,blk[i].indexY); numOfUpdate=2; } } else { int i=(type==0)?0:1; if(board.updateBoard(blk[1-i].indexX,blk[1-i].indexY,blk[1-i].indexX+1,blk[1-i].indexY)) { blk[1-i]=board.getBlock(blk[1-i].indexX+1,blk[1-i].indexY); board.updateBoard(blk[i].indexX,blk[i].indexY,blk[i].indexX+1,blk[i].indexY); blk[i]=board.getBlock(blk[i].indexX+1,blk[i].indexY); numOfUpdate=2; } } } return numOfUpdate; } public Block[] getBlock() { return blk; } } class PuzzleCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable { private Board board=null; private int bWidth=(getWidth()*25)/35; //maximum width for game board private int bHeight=getHeight(); //maximum height for game board private int hMargin=-1; private int vMargin=-1; private boolean paintBorder; private boolean start; private boolean exit; private NextBlock nextBlk; private ActiveBlock activeBlk; private boolean waitForActiveBlk; public int speed; private int marks; public boolean lost; private boolean updatedMark; PuzzleCanvas() { super(false); start=false; exit=false; lost=false; paintBorder=true; waitForActiveBlk=false; initBoard(); } public void incSpeed() { if(speed<1000) { speed+=50; } } public void decSpeed() { if(speed>100) { speed-=50; } } public void startGame() { waitForActiveBlk=false; paintBorder=true; speed=500; marks=0; updatedMark=true; initBoard(); nextBlk.genNextBlock(); activeBlk=new ActiveBlock(board,nextBlk.getNextBlockColor(),this); nextBlk.genNextBlock(); lost=false; start=true; repaint(); } public void exitGame() { exit=true; } public void initBoard() { int numOfVBlock=0; int numOfHBlock=0; int hTemp=bWidth-Constant.SPACE-Constant.MIN_MARGIN; int vTemp=bHeight-Constant.SPACE-Constant.MIN_MARGIN; for(;;) { if(hTemp