Information Technology Enrichment Project Course for Gifted Students 2006
ITEPC 05 - Workshop on Fractal Creation
Setup and Compile Instructions

Instructions of Installing GLUT
Our project involves creating window program to display some colorful fractal images, to simplify our works, we will use the graphic library OpenGL and its supporting library GLUT. OpenGL is already supported by Window XP but GLUT is not, so we need to install GLUT manually. The following are the instructions:

  1. download the GLUT binary from here (in zip format)
  2. upzip the file to some folder
  3. copy glut32.dll to folder "C:\windows\system32" (assuming your window is installed in c:\windows)
  4. copy glut32.h to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003\Vc7\include\GL"
  5. copy glut32.lib to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003\Vc7\lib"
How to compile and run a C program
  1. double click the .sln file (solution file) to open the solution in VC. The solution given should contain a C++ project that we will working on.
  2. to compile our program, select the menu item "Build->Build Solution" to compile all source files in all projects. If no error occurs, you can see the text "build succeeded" at the bottom left concer of the window; otherwise there are some compile errors (or linking errors) that we need to handle.
    (You can also use the hot-key Ctrl+Shift+B to build the solution)
  3. to run the program, select the menu item "Debug->Start Without Debugging" to start our compiled program. Because we are using GLUT to create the window, normally you will see a main window (the window we draw and display) and a black console window (the window we can output and input text).
    (You can also use the hot-key Ctrl+F5 to build the solution)
  4. we can stop the program by closing the main window.
Advanced topic - How to create a C/C++ console application project in MS Visual Studio 2003
  1. Select the menu item "File->New->Project", a dialog will appear.
  2. Set project type to "Visual C++", and set template to "Win32 console application". Enter you project name, and then click OK.
  3. A wizard will appear, select the application setting and check the empty project option, then click Finish.
  4. we can then add cpp files to the project and start writing program.

Advanced topic - How to add cpp file into a C/C++ project
  1. With the project opened (or created in the previous step), select the menu item "Project->Add New Item...", a dialog will appear.
  2. Set the Categories to "Visual C++", and set template to "C++ File".  Enter you file name, and then click OK.
  3. we can start writing program now.