Fangzhen Lin

Professor of Computer Science
Director of HKUST-Xiaoi Joint Lab on Machine Learning and Cognitive Reasoning
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

We are currently recruiting new PhD students in NLU/NLP. An ideal candidate would be someone who has original ideas and a conviction to do what they think are important, instead of blindly following the current trend. We also has a PDF (Post Doctoral Fellow) position available in the same area. Please send me an email if you're interested.

Our research in NLU/NLP is currently funded by a generous donation from Xiaoi Robot Technology Inc.


RESEARCH INTERESTS  AI, and in particular, the principles of knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning and their applications in programming languages, robotics, multiagent systems, game theory and social choice theory, language understanding, etc..

EDUCATION  Ph.D., Department of Computer Science,  Stanford University , 1991.  MS, Department of Computer Science,  Beijing University , 1986.  BS, Department of Computer Science, Fuzhou University , 1983.

EXPERIENCE  Research Scientists:  Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 1992 - 1996.  Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, 1991-1992.

AWARDS & HONORS  AAAI Fellow; Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2006-2007; KR-06 Ray Reiter Best Paper Prize; AAAI-04 Outstanding Papers Honorable Mention; KR-2000 Best Paper Award; IJCAI-97 Distinguished Paper Award; AIPS-2000 Planning Competition Distinguished Planner Award.

SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS  IJCAI 2022 Associate PC CoChair; IJCAI 2015 KR Track PC Cochair; KR 2010 PC Cochair; LPNMR 2009 PC Cochair; KSEM 2006 PC Cochair; Artificial Intelligence past Associate Editor; Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) past Advisory Board Member and past Associate Editor.

Fangzhen Lin
Rm3557 (X6975), Academic Building
Department of Computer Science
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong

Created by Fangzhen Lin on 02-21-2002

Number of hits since 02-21-2002