About The Conference
The conference is held for supporting the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. (Poster)
Hybrid Mode
- Online, and
Lecture Theatre of the IAS building (HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
18 December, 2021
Conference Keynote Speaker

Prof. Philip S. Yu
University of Illinois at Chicago
Conference Schedule
Here is our conference schedule
Opening Ceremony
Welcoming Speeches
Prof. Christopher CHAO
Vice-president of HKIS
Vice-President (Research and Innovation), PolyU
Prof. Man Cho SO
Representative of TGD Life Company Limited
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK
The Director of HKUST SSRI
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST
Souvenirs Presentation & Photo-taking Session

Keynote Prof. Philip S. Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Network Heterogeneity on Graph Neural Networks
2021 Young Scientists Award - Oral Presentation
A. Life Science Stream
Derek LEE
Department of Pathology, University of Hong Kong
Title of work: Adaptive and constitutive activations of antioxidant-producing metabolic pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma
LI Baiying
School of Life Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title of work: Dissecting the cellular endomembrane trafficking and homeostasis under stress conditions via a combined biochemical and cell biological approaches
B. Physical/Mathematical Science Stream
Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong
Title of work: The Power of Quantum Memories: Faithful Quantum Data Compression and Quantum Benchmarks
YIN Kejing
Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
Title of work: Learning Phenotypes from Electronic Health Records Using Robust Temporal Tensor Factorization
C. Engineering Science Stream
HU Xiaowei
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title of work: Learning for visions under the adverse weather and illumination
Zhejun LI
Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title of work: Materials Design and Mechanistic Investigation of Advanced Sulfur-based Batteries
Lunch (in Conference Lodge)
Young Scientist Award Presentation
Hong Kong Institution of Science Annual General Meeting
(for members only)
End of Programme
Conference Venue
The conference will be held in the lecture theatre of the IAS building (HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study) of the UST campus (in Hong Kong). When you enter the IAS building, we will see the lecture theatre of the IAS building. The following shows a picture of the IAS building.

We provide a coach service from the Sundial area (near to the North Bus Stop) of the HKUST campus to the IAS building which departs at 8:30am and 8:45am on the conference day.
Note that there are two bus stops in HKUST, namely North Bus Stop and South Bus Stop. The IAS building could be reached from the South Bus Stop within 10 minutes. But, the IAS building could be reached from the North Bus Stop for more than 15 minutes.
We provide a coach service from the IAS building to the Sundial area (near to the North Bus Stop) of the HKUST campus which departs at 2:45pm and 3:15pm on the conference day.
The pick-up/drop-off locations of the Sundial area and the IAS building are shown in the HKUST map in the following UST map. Note that we include a image in the HKUST map to show the pick-up/drop-off location of the Sundial area where the yellow star denotes the exact location of the pick-up/drop-off location.
Note: On the conference day, when you reach the UST campus and plan to use our coaches departing at 8:30am and 8:45am, our student helpers will stay in the Sundial area and will bring a sign marked with "HKIS Conference" so that you could recognize our student helpers. They will be there at 8:15am. You could follow the guideline from student helpers on that day to take the coach smoothly from the Sundial area to the IAS building.

You could know how to reach the HKUST campus from outside in the university link.
You could know how to reach the IAS building from the North bus stop or the South bus stop within the HKUST campus in the university link.
The following shows the G/F floorplan of the IAS building.
The following shows the organizers.

Prof. Donald Chang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Prof. King Chow
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Prof. Raymond Wong
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Prof. Jiachuan Yang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sponsor for Conference
Sponsor for HKIS Young Scientist Awards

The deadline of one-site registraion is 13 Dec, 2021 5pm (HK Time). Registration is free of charge.
The on-site registration website was closed.
Contact Us
You could send an email to hkis.ust@gmail.com.