Computer Science Interactive Learning Objects
Array Searching and Sorting Learning Objects
The following learning objects are used for teaching array manipulation. The first one is an array visualization learning object. The rest of the objects teaches algorithms for searching and sorting arrays.
Array Visualization
This learning object teaches the use of array in the C++ programming language. It visualizes array using simple graphical layout of array elements.
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This learning object was created by the Courseware on Computer Studies project, under Prof T.C.Pong.
Linear Search
This learning object demonstrates a straight-forward way of searching item in an array. The item is searched within an array in sequential order.
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This learning object was created by the Courseware on Computer Studies project, under Prof T.C.Pong.
Binary Search
This learning object uses an efficient searching algorithm for searching an item within an array. The algorithm first sub-divides an array into two equal parts and then searches the resultant arrays recursively.
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This learning object was created by the Courseware on Computer Studies project, under Prof T.C.Pong.
Selection Sort
This learning object explains the selection sort algorithm. Selection sort performs sorting by repeatedly putting the largest element in the unsorted portion of the array to the end of the array.
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This learning object was created by the Courseware on Computer Studies project, under Prof T.C.Pong.
Bubble Sort
This learning object teaches the bubble sort algorithm. The algorithm simply examines the array from start to finish, comparing elements and swap them if necessary.
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This learning object was created by the Courseware on Computer Studies project, under Prof T.C.Pong.
Quick Sort
This learning object explains the quick sort algorithm for sorting an array of numbers. The algorithm uses a divide-and-conquer approach for sorting the array recursively.
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This learning object was created for the Learning Objects Project, under Prof D. Rossiter.
Shell Sort
This learning object teaches the shell sort algorithm. The shell sort algorithm is a generalization of the insertion sort algorithm.
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This learning object was created for the Learning Objects Project, under Prof D. Rossiter.