Computer Science Interactive Learning Objects
Dirt Removal Learning Objects

The learning objects listed below explain different algorithms which are used to remove dirt or red eyes and how they work. The algorihtms included here are:

Dirt Removal Algorithm

Dirt Removal Algorithm
The Dirt Removal Algorithm Learning Object

This learning object explains the dirt removal algorithm using flood fill and in-fill algorithm.

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Dirt Removal Algorithm (Block method)

Dirt Removal Algorithm (Block method)
The Dirt Removal Algorithm (Block method) Learning Object

This learning object explains the dirt removal algorithm using "block" method and in-fill algorithm.

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Red Eye Removal Algorithm

Red Eye Removal Algorithm
The Red Eye Removal Algorithm Learning Object

This learning object explains the algorithm used in removing red eyes. The algorithm first detects the red eyes by using flood fill algorithm and then replaces the red eyes by using in-fill algorithm.

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