PhD Qualifying Examination "Survey on Random Sampling Techniques" By Mr. Xiang Lian Abstract: Random sampling is widely used in databases to provide fast approximate query answers. In this paper, we survey the existing sampling algorithms, ranging from the fundamental approaches (e.g., weighted sampling, reservoir sampling, etc.), to advanced ones that deploy auxiliary structures (e.g. B+ tree and hash files) or are optimized for special purposes. Our discussion covers solutions for sampling a single relation and the join result of multiple tables. Date: Friday, 14 January 2005 Time: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Venue: Room 2503 lifts 25-26 Committee Members: Dr. Dimitris Papadias (Supervisor) Dr. Mordecai Golin (Chairperson) Dr. James Kwok Prof. Frederick Lochovsky **** ALL are Welcome ****