Instructions for submission

To publish an Theoretical Computer Science Group Research Report, all you have to do is to send Email to scheng with the subject Research report submission. The contents of the Email should have the following format:

  \RAuthors{Authors of the paper.}
  \RTitle{The Title of the Paper, Capitalized Like This.}
    The abstract of the paper, in the usual \LaTeX{} format.

Please include a period at the end of the authors and title. You may use the standard LaTeX commands to include mathematical symbols or accents in title, authors, and abstract. Please use full first names for all authors. The list of authors should have one of the following three formats.

  • Author.
  • Author1 and Author2.
  • Author1, Author2, ... Authorn-1, and Authorn.
  • In a separate Email, send a uuencoded postscript file of your paper. You can uuencode and send a file as follows:

        uuencode | mail scheng
    Do not compress the postscript file. Do not include the report number in your file. If your file is extremely large, make it readable in your home directory and send me the location instead.

    A Research Report number will be assigned to your paper. The number will be inserted into the postscript file (have a look at some existing report to see what it looks like), and your report will appear in the list of Theoretical Computer Science Group Research Reports. Please allow a few days for processing.

    Web page maintained by Siu-Wing Cheng