SCG'00: Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Preparing and Submitting
Camera-Ready Versions

Preparing final copy

Please submit camera-ready copy (produced on a high-resolution output device) of your manuscript on 8 1/2" x 11" paper following the proceedings format appended below. Proceedings templates to create camera-ready copy are available from the ACM in Word, WordPerfect, FrameMaker and LaTeX format.

Please note: It is of particular importance that you leave sufficient space in the lower left corner of the first column on the first page for ACM to fill in the copyright information.

There is a 10-page maximum limit on your paper. If you wish to have additional pages, you may have up to 2 additional pages at a cost of $250 per page. Please submit camera-ready copy of your manuscript on 8 1/2" x 11" paper following the proceedings format appended below. Please make sure that the pages are not numbered.

Submission instructions

Electronic submissions (postscript files) are strongly encouraged for the camera-ready version. You can find the instructions for electronic submissions at Basically, you follow the same procedure as you did for submitting an abstract, except that the e-mail address is different. Authors may send a camera-ready copy (produced on a high-resolution output device) of their manuscript on 8 1/2" x 11" paper to
Pankaj K. Agarwal
Department of Computer Science
LSRC Building, Rm D207
Duke University
Durham, NC 27706
Phone: (919) 660-6540
Your paper (either a postscript file or a hard copy) should arrive by March 15.


Authors of accepted papers must fill out a copy of the ACM Copyright Form. Authors should read the ACM Copyright Policy. Please mail the filled copy-right form to
Pankaj K. Agarwal
Department of Computer Science
LSRC Building, Rm D207
Duke University
Durham, NC 27706
Phone: (919) 660-6540

ACM Proceedings Specifications

Title: Centered 18 pt, Bold, Helvetica
Author, ACM Fellow: Centered 12 pt, Helvetica
Affiliation: Centered 10 pt, Helvetica
Email: Centered 12 pt, Helvetica
Abstract: Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman
Section (heading 1): Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman, numbered- ex: 1
Subsection (heading 2): Flush Left 12 pt, Bold, Times Roman, numbered- ex 1.2
Subsubsection (heading 3): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, numbered- ex 1.2.3
Subsubsubsection (heading 4): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, numbered- ex
Subsubsubsubsection (heading 5): Flush Left 11 pt, Italics, Times Roman, numbered- ex
Text: 2 column, justified, size of type 9 pt. space between lines 10 pt
Text Font: Times Roman
Column width: 3.33" (8.45 cm)
2 column gutter: .33"(.83 cm)
Top Margin: 1" (2.54 cm)
Right Margin: From edge .75" (1.9 cm)
Left Margin: From edge .75" (1.9 cm)
Bottom Margin: 1" (2.54 cm)
Copyright space on 1st page: lower left column 1.5" (3.81 cm)
Paragraph indentation: None, flush left, line space between paragraphs
Footnote/Citation: 9 pt, Times Roman
Bibliography/Reference: 10 pt. Use the standard CACM format for references, i.e., a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by first author, and referenced by number in brackets [2]. Reference number in brackets positioned as a negative indent. Text aligned .25" (.63 cm) in from margin.
Subsequent pages: For pages other than the first, start at the top margin and continue in double-column format.
Tables/Figures/Images: Placed in text as close to reference as possible. May extend across both columns to a maximum width of 7" (17.78 cm).
Captions: 9 pt, bold, Times Roman, numbered (ex. "Table 1." or "Figure 2."), and centered beneath each table, figure or image.

Last updated Fri Feb 18 12:30:44 EST 2000.