
Platform-Specific Details: Setting the Browser's Class Path

You can make sure your Java-based browser's class path includes the Swing release in one of two ways: The following instructions give examples of each approach. For more information on setting the class path, see CLASSPATH(in the Writing Java Programs trail).

The directory paths used in this section assume that you have installed both the JDK and Swing releases under /home/me (for Solaris) or on drive C (for Windows). You should adjust the directory paths to reflect your installation.

To set the CLASSPATH environment variable, use a command like the following:
setenv CLASSPATH /home/me/swing-0.2/swing.jar
Then invoke your Java-based browser as usual.

If you're using the JDK Applet Viewer, then instead of specifying the CLASSPATH environment variable, you can use the -J option of the appletviewer command to specify options to the Java interpreter. For example:

appletviewer -J-classpath -J.:/home/me/swing-0.2/swing.jar:/home/me/jdk1.1.2/lib/

Windows 95/NT
Sorry, no examples yet. See the above text and Setting Environment Variables for help.
