Course Code:
COMP5311, Spring 2023
Course Title: Database Architecture and Implementation
Instructor: Dimitris Papadias (send e-mail
for questions regarding the class and for arranging individual meetings)
Schedule: WedFri 3:00PM - 4:20PM, Rm 6573, Lift 29-30
The course is divided in two parts: (i) background material taught by the instructor, (ii)
specialized topics presented by students.
In addition to their presentation, students have to
submit a survey on the topic by the end of the semester.
Tentative Grading Policy
50% final exam, 20% presentation, 20% survey, 10%
class participation
final exam will be with open books and notes and will cover all the material in
the lecture slides and exercises (but not the student presentations).
Background material (by major topics):
COMP 3311
Lecture Slides (After each lecture, the slides will be updated to include
exercises solved during the lecture)
Introduction – ER
diagrams (Slides)
Relational Model -
Algebra (Slides)
SQL 1 (Slides)
SQL 2 (Slides)
SQL 3 (Slides)
Topics in DB Research (Slides)
Functional Dependencies
3NF and BCNF (Slides)
File Structures and Indexing (Slides)
B+-trees and Dynamic Hashing (Slides)
Other Indexes, Selection
Processing, External Sorting (Slides)
Join Algorithms (Slides)
Query Processing and
Optimization (Slides)
Transactions – 2PL (Slides)
Protocols (Slides)
Review 1 (if time
permits, last week of classes)
Review 2 (if time
permits, last week of classes)