Gibson Lam
Senior Lecturer / Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
Spring 2024-25
Previous Courses
- COMP1021 Introduction to Computer Science
- COMP1022P Introduction to Computing with Java
- COMP1022Q Introduction to Computing with Excel VBA
- COMP1029C C Bridging Course
- COMP1029J Java Bridging Course
- COMP1029P Python Bridging Course
- COMP1029V Excel VBA Bridging Course
- COMP300F Introduction to Computing
- COMP303 Internet Computing
- COMP343 Fundamentals of Multimedia Computing
- COMP4021 Internet Computing
- COMP4431 Multimedia Computing
- CSIT5110 Multimedia Application Development
- CSIT5400 Computer Graphics
- MSBD7001 Python Bootcamp
Previous Courses at City University
- Undergraduate Level - Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers
- Postgraduate Level - Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Programming
- Postgraduate Level - Network Simulation
- Postgraduate Level - Distributed and Concurrent Programming
- Postgraduate Level - Internet Application Development
Education Awards
- Bronze Award, Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award, eLearning Forum Asia 2024, 4-5 Dec 2024
(with Paolo Mengoni, Sandy Ping Geng, Rebecca Liang and Qin Wang)
- 2023 Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, School of Engineering, HKUST
- 2019 MScIT Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, MScIT Program, HKUST
- 2018 Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, School of Engineering, HKUST
- 2016 Best Teaching Award in the Master of Science Program in Information Technology, HKUST
- 2015 The Best Ten Lecturers Award (presented by VERTEX, HKUST)
- 2014 The Best Ten Lecturers Award (presented by VERTEX, HKUST)
- 2007 Teaching Innovation Award (presented by CELT, HKUST)
Teaching Development Projects
- Beyond Reality: Unleashing Generative Metaverse Avatars in Education
(Co-investigator, UGC Innovative Technology-in-Education Project for Inter-institutional Collaborative Activities 2023)
- MOOC Course Development for Internet Computing
(Co-project leader, CEI Teaching and Learning Innovation Project Fund 2023)
- Development of Blended and/or Experiential Learning Courses (for COMP4431 Multimedia Computing)
(Co-project leader, CEI Departmental Teaching Development Grant 2020)
- Experiential Learning in Aerospace Engineering:
Development of an Interactive Online Gaming Platform to Improve Student Understanding of Aircraft Performance and Design
(Project member, CEI Teaching Development Fund 2015)
- Online C Programming Learning Suite
(Principle investigator, CELT Teaching Development Fund 2013)
- The Gong Project and the NanoGong Applet
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"Interactive Python Programming for Beginners,"
McGraw-Hill Education, 2016
- David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"Excel and Excel VBA Programming for Beginners Third Edition - for Office 2013,"
McGraw-Hill Education, 2014
- David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"Excel and Excel VBA Programming for Beginners Second Edition - for Office 2013,"
McGraw-Hill Education, 2013
- David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"Excel and Excel VBA Programming for Beginners,"
McGraw-Hill Education, 2012
Journals and Conferences
- Gibson Lam,
Paolo Mengoni, Sandy Geng, Rebecca Liang and Daniel Shen,
"Integrating Virtual Reality in STEM Education:
Enhancing Student Engagement and
Understanding through Immersive Learning Environments,"
The 6th International Conference on Engineering Education and Innovation,
7-9 December 2024, Danang, Vietnam
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"A Web Services Framework Supporting Multimedia Streaming,"
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,
vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 400-413, Jul. 2013
- Jogesh K. Muppala, Sean McMinn, David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"On the Use of Podcasting and Digital Audio in Higher Education,"
Handbook of Research on Hybrid Learning Models: Advanced Tools, Technologies, and Application,
F. L. Wang, J. Fong and R. C. Kwan (Eds.), Information Science Reference, 2009
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"A SOAP-Based Streaming Content Delivery Framework for Multimedia Web Services,"
IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference 2008,
9-12 December 2008, Yilan, Taiwan, pp. 1097-1102
- David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"Integrated Learning with Podcasting Import and Export in the Gong System,"
International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning 2007,
9-10 July 2007, Hong Kong, pp. 27-36
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"Streaming Multimedia Delivery in Web Services Based E-Learning Platforms,"
The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,
18-20 July 2007, Niigata, Japan, pp. 706-710
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"Gong - A Free Web Voice Tool for Language Learners,"
IT in Education Symposium 2007,
2-3 March 2007, Hong Kong
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"Enhancing Web Services for Multimedia Streaming,"
The 7th AEARU Workshop on Web Technology and Computer Science,
6 December 2006, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Gibson Lam, David Rossiter and Roger Cheung,
"Web Content Development and Integration Using the Gong System,"
The 4th AEARU Workshop on Network Education,
16-17 November 2006, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 125-138
- David Rossiter, Gibson Lam and Brian Mak,
"Automatic Audio Indexing and Audio Playback Speed Control as Tools for Language Learning,"
The 5th International Conference on Web-based Learning,
19-21 July 2006, Penang, Malaysia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4181, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 290-299
- David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"Language assessment using an Internet-based discussion board,"
Improving Student Learning: Learning Oriented Assessment in Action,
David Carless, Gordon Joughin and Ngar-fun Liu (Eds.), Hong Kong University Press, 2006, pp. 76-78
- Gibson Lam and David Rossiter,
"Enhancing Language Learning with the Gong Web Voice System,"
International Conference on Tertiary/College English Teaching: IT in ELT,
1-2 June 2006, Shenyang, China and 5-6 June 2006, Hong Kong
- David Rossiter, Gibson Lam and Vivying Cheng,
"The Gong System: Web-based Learning for Multiple Languages, with Special Support for the Yale Representation of Cantonese,"
The 4th International Conference on Web-based Learning,
31 July - 3 August 2005, Hong Kong SAR, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3583, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 209-220
- David Rossiter and Gibson Lam,
"The Gong Project - an Internet-Based Voice Communication Tool for Education,"
ITSC Newsletter Issue 14,
Information Technology Services Department (now Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), June 2003, pg. 19
- George Baciu, Jinyuan Jia and Gibson Lam,
"Ray Tracing Surfaces of Revolution: An Old Problem with A New Perspective,"
Computer Graphics International 2001, pp. 215-224
Oxfam Trailwalker 2023
- We are, from left to right, Harry, Edward, Matthew and Gibson,
a team of CSE/CPEG students and faculty joining the
Oxfam Trailwalker
charity event in Nov 2023
- During 24-25 Nov, we have successfully finished the 100km journey within 29 hours
- Thank you very much for all of you who have supported us by donating to Oxfam!