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Sam the Iron Bridge•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "Sam the Iron Bridge" found the following results:
Titles (Exact Matches) (Displaying 1 Result)Wu zhuang yuan Tie Qiao San (1993) aka "Sam the Iron Bridge"
Titles (Partial Matches) (Displaying 1 Result)Wu shi duan bei (1994) aka "Sam the Iron Bridge 2"
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 18 Results)The Bridge of Sighs -- Pan-American Exposition (1901)
Panorama of Brooklyn Bridge, River Front, and Tall Buildings from the East River (1901)
Building an Icon: The Story of the Provencher Bridge (2005) (TV)
At the Top of Brooklyn Bridge (1897) aka "Panorama from the Tower of Brooklyn Bridge" - USA (copyright title)
Panorama from the Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge (1899)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (2004)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1944)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1929)
Vu du pont (1961) aka "A View from the Bridge"
The Bridge on the River Kwai: An Appreciation by Filmmaker John Milius (2000) (V)
A Rough Night on the Bridge (1910)
Hombre del puente, El (1976) aka "Man on the Bridge" - (English title)
Mahô no purinsesu Minkî Momo: Yume ni kakeru hashi (1993) (V) aka "Fairy Princess Minky Momo: The Bridge Over Dreams" -(literal English title)
Menai Bridge, the Day Irish Mail from Euston Entering the Tubular Bridge Over the Menai Straits (1898)
6th Street Bridge: Achieving the Improbable of Landing a Plane on a Bridge (2003) (V)
Third Trinity, Cambridge, Winning the Race for the Grand Challenge Cup. Taken at Henley on July 10th, 1902 (1902)
Ulmyeo hegin yeomchungyo (1966) aka "The Bridge of Separation" - (English title)
Crossing Time: The Wheeling Suspension Bridge (2002) (TV)
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