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Clifford: Clifford Saves the Day!•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "Clifford: Clifford Saves the Day!" found the following results:
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 20 Results)Fond Heart Saves the Day (1913)
"Clifford the Big Red Dog" (2000)
Clifford the Big Red Dog (1988)
Gas-s-s-s (1971) aka "Gas! Or It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It" aka "Gas-s-s-s... or, It May Become Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It"
"Clifford's Puppy Days" (2003)
Felix Saves the Day (1922)
"The Cliffwood Avenue Kids" (1977)
"The Melba Moore-Clifton Davis Show" (1972)
The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) (TV)
Bill Saves the Day (1914)
Desperate Moves (1981) aka "Save the Last Dance for Me"
The Day the World Saved Shane Sawyer (2006)
Have a Nice Day: A Day in the Life of Sid Montgomery (2002)
The Fable of Prince Fortunatus, Who Moved Away from Easy Street, and Silas, the Saver, Who Moved In (1917)
The Marriage Speculation (1917) aka "The Marriage Speculation of Mr. Cliday's Investment" - USA (original script title)
The Bravest Girl in California (1913)
California Condor: Edge of Extinction, Saving the Endangered Species (2001) (TV)
Rhythm Saves the Day (1937)
Some Day When the Clouds Roll by (1945)
The Day the Lord Got Busted (1976)
Suggestions For Improving Your Results
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