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A Night at the Opera•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "A Night at the Opera" found the following results:
Popular Results
Popular Titles (Displaying 1 Result)A Night at the Opera (1935)
Other Results
Titles (Exact Matches) (Displaying 1 Result)A Night at the Opera (1998)
Titles (Partial Matches) (Displaying 3 Results)Classic Albums: Queen - The Making of 'A Night at the Opera' (2006) (V)
Remarks on Marx: A Night at the Opera (2004) (V)
Jackie Mason: A Night at the Opera (2002) (TV)
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 15 Results)Noch na 14-y paralleli (1971) aka "The Night at 14th Parallel"
Romantische Opernnacht - A romantic Opera Night, Eine (1999) (TV)
Carry on Matron (1972) aka "Carry on Matron or from Here to Maternity or Familiarity Breeds or Womb at the Top or the Preggars Opera" - UK (complete title)
Bame pin haebaragi (1967) aka "The Sunflower at Night" - (English title) (literal title)
The Fable of a Night Given Over to Revelry (1915)
Nanhai quan wang ye dao mei hua ma (1957) aka "How the Boxer from Nanhai Stole the Dappled Horse at Night" - Hong Kong (English title)
Fine del mondo nel nostro solito letto in una notte piena di pioggia, La (1978) aka "The End of the World in Our Usual Bed in a Night Full of Rain" - USA (complete title)
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Cheri Oteri (2004) (TV)
Behind the Tunes: It Hopped One Night - A Look at 'One Froggy Evening' (2004) (V)
They Come at Night (1998)
How to Fly the B-17 (Part 2, Flight Operations) (1943)
A Night at the Apollo (2002) (TV)
Night at the Golden Eagle (2002)
Alice Cooper: The Nightmare (1975) (TV)
You Can't Do That! The Making of 'A Hard Day's Night' (1995) (V)
Suggestions For Improving Your Results
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likely to give better matches. If you prefer you may search again with your original query.
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you should search for the title of the TV series, not the episode.
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