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Horror Vision•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "Horror Vision" found the following results:
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 20 Results)Visions and Horror from 'The Dead Zone' (2006) (V)
Horrorvision (2001) (V)
Coffin Joe's Vision's of Terror (1994) (V) aka "Vision's of Terror" - USA (short title)
Eyes of Terror (1994) (TV) aka "Visions of Terror"
Unsichtbaren Krallen des Dr. Mabuse, Die (1962) aka "The Invisible Horror" - USA (reissue title)
Mummy Dearest: A Horror Tradition Unearthed (1999) (V)
A Regular Frankie Fan (2000) aka "A Regular Frankie Fan: Rocky Horror Lives On" - USA
Yureiyashiki no Kyofu: Chi O Suu Ningyoo (1970) aka "The Ghost Mansion's Horror: A Bloodsucking Doll"
TerrorVision (1986)
Rocky Horror Double Feature Video Show (1995) (V)
Son of Horror Business (2007)
Vladimir Horowitz: A Television Concert at Carnegie Hall (1968) (TV)
Tower of Evil (1972) aka "Horror on Snape Island" aka "Horror of Snape Island" - Canada (English title)
Mulino delle donne di pietra, Il (1960) aka "Horror of the Stone Women"
Brides of Blood (1968) aka "Island of the Living Horror" - USA (TV title)
History's Mysteries: Amityville - Horror or Hoax (2000) (TV)
Horror Business (2005) (V)
Visions of Grace: Robert Redford and 'The Horse Whisperer' (1998) (TV)
Horror Island (1941)
The Simpsons: Night of the Living Tree House of Horror (2001) (VG)
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