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Ken Burns' America: Empire of the Air•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "Ken Burns' America: Empire of the Air" found the following results:
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 12 Results)Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire (2004)
Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed America: Murder at the Fair - The Assassination of President McKinley (2006) (TV)
Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War (1999) (TV)
Déclin de l'empire américain, Le (1986) aka "The Decline of the American Empire" - USA
Little Smokey: The True Story of America's Forest Fire Preventin' Bear (1953)
Takedown (2000) aka "Takedown: The Pursuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick, America's Most Wanted Computer Outlaw" - USA (working title)
Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio (1991)
Dear America: A Journey to the New World (1999) (TV) aka "Dear America: A Journey to the New World: The Story of Remember Patience Whipple, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1620" - USA (video box title)
Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of the American Century (2002) (TV)
When the Fire Burns: The Life and Music of Manuel de Falla (1991)
America's Lost Bombs: The True Story of Broken Arrows (2001) (TV)
Frederick Carl Frieseke: The Evolution of an American Impressionist (2001) (TV)
Suggestions For Improving Your Results
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likely to give better matches. If you prefer you may search again with your original query.
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