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Antarctica: IMAX•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "Antarctica: IMAX" found the following results:
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 20 Results)Eight Below (2006) aka "Antarctica" - USA (working title)
Nankyoku monogatari (1983) aka "Antarctica" - Japan (subtitle), USA
Antarctica (1991) aka "Antarctica: An Adventure of a Different Nature" - Australia
Foothold on Antarctica (1957)
Antarctica Projekt (1988)
Antarctica: A Frozen History (2002) (TV)
GWAR: Live from Antarctica (1990) (V)
Cruising Antarctica (2004) (TV) aka "Antarctica by Icebreaker" - USA (working title)
Emperors of Antarctica (1993) (TV)
90° South (1914) aka "The Undying Story of Captain Scott and Animal Life in the Antarctic" - USA
Hub Culture Retrospectives: Antarctica (2006)
Antarctica: The Last Continent (1986) (TV)
Nippon nankyoku tanken (1912) aka "Japanese Expedition to Antarctica" - (English title)
Real Travels in Antarctica & Rio de Janeiro (2004) (V)
Dr. Mawson in the Antarctic (1913)
Antártida - A Última Fronteira (1985) (TV)
Zakon Antarktidy (1965) aka "The Law of the Antarctic" - (English title) (informal literal title)
The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition (2000)
Scott of the Antarctic (1948)
South (1919) aka "Shackleton's Expedition to the Antarctic" - UK
Suggestions For Improving Your Results
Your original search was changed to "Antarctica: IMAX" because this is more
likely to give better matches. If you prefer you may search again with your original query.
Search for "Antarctica: IMAX (1991)".
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titles we have for various regions and languages.
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you should search for the title of the TV series, not the episode.
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