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The Lemon Drop Kid•  Characters•  Plots•  Biographies•  Quotesmore »Note: some searches may not yield results
IMDb TitleSearch
A search for "The Lemon Drop Kid" found the following results:
Titles (Exact Matches) (Displaying 2 Results)The Lemon Drop Kid (1951)
The Lemon Drop Kid (1934)
Titles (Approx Matches) (Displaying 18 Results)Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Monsters (1965) aka "The Lemon Grove Kids" - USA aka "Lemon Grove Kids Go Hollywood" - USA aka "Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Green Grasshopper and the Vampire Lady from Outer Space" - USA
Shuten Doji: The Star Hand Kid 2 - Chapter of Goma (1989) (V) aka "Shuten Doji: The Star Hand Kid 2 - Demon Battle in the Firefly Field" - USA
Geron Busabos, ang batang Quiapo (1964) aka "Geron Busabos: The Kid from Quiapo"
Shin chôjin densetsu Urotsukidôji Mataiden 1: Kyô-ô fukkatsu eno inori (1993) (V) aka "Urotsukidôji: Legend of the Demon Womb"
The Lemon Grove Incident (1985) (TV)
Demons to Others: The Making of 'Hellraiser: Prophecy' (2007)
Demon of the Tropics (1998) (V)
The Kid from the Klondike (1911)
The Legend of Billy the Kid (1994) (TV)
Lemon Popsicle 9: The Party Goes On (2001)
The Hideous Sun Demon (1959)
The Kid from Left Field (1953)
The Million Dollar Kid (2000)
The Non-Stop Kid (1918) aka "The Non Stop Kid" - USA (alternative spelling)
The Kid from Left Field (1979) (TV)
Another Demonstration of the Cliff-Guibert Fire Horse Reel, Showing a Young Girl Coming from an Office, Detaching Hose, Running with It 60 Feet, and Playing a Stream, All Inside of 30 Seconds (1900)
Diet Coke with Lemon Celebrates 40 Years of Laughter: At the Improv (2002) (TV)
The Fable of the Busy Business Boy and the Droppers-In (1914)
Suggestions For Improving Your Results
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likely to give better matches. If you prefer you may search again with your original query.
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