  • Bachelor’s Degree, 2019

    Shandong University

About Luyu

Luyu Cheng (Chinese name 程鲁豫(chéng lǔ yù)) is a PhD candidate at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under the supervisor of Lionel Parreaux. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Taishan College of Shandong University.

Luyu started his interest in compiler design in high school. He raised it to functional programming and type systems when he went to college.

Before joining TACO Lab, Luyu worked as a research assistant at IDEAS Lab. He mainly focused on visualization domain-specific languages there. After he got bored of the research projects there, he decided to pursue the field he originally wanted to do, marching to the land of programming languages.

Now, he is working on the MLscript project and trying to finish his first year of Ph.D. life! Good luck to him!