Call for Papers

International Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis (PPDA)
April 21, 2009, Brisbane, Australia

to be held in conjunction with DASFAA 2009 (

With the advancement of information technology and declining hardware price, organizations and companies are able to collect large amount of personal data. Moreover, advanced data analysis and mining techniques have been proposed to derived patterns hidden in data. However, the increasing power in data processing and analysis also raises concerns over the proper usage of personal information. It was found that a sensitive medical record was uniquely linked to a named voter record in a publicly available voter list through the shared attributes of Zip, Birth date and Sex. It is not surprising that many organizations are reluctant to disclose their data even when there may be great potential gains from the data exploration. Therefore research in the area of privacy preservation is deemed important for both theoretical and practical reasons. PPDA 2009 will be held in conjunction with DASFAA 2009 conference, and aims to bring together researchers in different fields related to privacy preserving data analysis and to provide a forum where researchers and practitioners can share and exchange their knowledge and experience.

PPDA 2009 will be published in a combined volume of Lecturer Notes in Computer Science series published by Springer. We invite original research contributions on generic and applied research on privacy. The PPDA 2009 topics of interest include but are certainly not limited to the following areas:

Important Dates:

Full paper submission: Jan 12, 2009  23:59 (PST Time)
Acceptance Notification: Feb 28, 2009
Camera-ready copy: Mar 15, 2009


Authors should submit papers reporting original works that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. The paper should be submitted in PDF format, with maximum length fifteen (15) pages, following Springer-Verlag's LNCS manuscript submission guidelines, available at Please click here to enter our submission system.

Program Chairs:

Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


