Example proofs demonstrating Casanova et al ’s axiom system for IND:


 if X Í schema(R) with R R, then I |- R[X] Í R[X]


{branch-name} Í Branch-schema

I|- Branch-schema[branch-name] Í  Branch-schema[branch-name] by IND1


if I |– R1[X] Í R2[Y], then I |– R1[X1] Í R1[Y1], where X1 and Y1 are the projection and permutation on X and Y, respectively.


 Let r1 and r2 be two relations over Loan-schema and Borrower-schema. Consider the resulting relation of the join, r1 |><| r2 over the relation schema S = Loan-schema U Borrower-schema.

The following inclusion dependency is satisfied.

I|-S[loan-number, branch-name] Í Loan-schema[loan-number, branch-name]

We can derive new inclusion dependencies by IND2 as follows:

I|-S[branch-name, loan-number] Í Loan-schema[branch-name, loan-number] by IND2


I|-S[loan-number] Í Loan-schema[loan-number] by IND2


if I |– R1[X] Í R2[Y] and I |– R2[Y] Í R3[Z], then I |– R1[X] Í R3[Z].


I |– Customer-credit-card-schema[customer-id] Í Account-schema[customer-id]


I |– Account-schema[customer-id] Í Customer-schema[customer-id]

We can derive the following new inclusion dependency by IND3 as follows:

I |– Customer-credit-card-schema[customer-id] Í Customer-schema[customer-id]

by IND3



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