Yin Zhu

Yin Zhu

Researcher and Entrepreneur
Personal Email: zhuyin.nju@gmail.com

[Last updated on 2024-04-01.]

Yin Zhu is now launching a new quant-trading firm. He just ended his partnership at Shenzhen ZXTD Capital Management. Since 2019 and until March 2024, he had led ZXTD's Quantitative Research Department, as co-founder and partner. Before co-founding ZXTD, he worked for Citadel Securities as Quantitative Researcher, first as an alpha researcher, and later in charge of its high frequency trading strategies in six Asian equity markets. Before Citadel, he had research internships at Microsoft Research, Huawei, and Trafigura.

Yin received a PhD from HKUST under the supervision of Prof. Qiang Yang and a BS in Computer Science from Nanjing University. During his PhD, he was awarded the Google PhD Fellowship in 2012, for his research in Transfer Learning and its applications to Mobile Computing. He also had extensive experiences in competitive programming and machine learning contests, winning a gold medal in ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest and a champion in Nokia Mobile Data Mining Challenge.

博士毕业后就职于Citadel Securities,任量化研究员,离任时负责亚洲六个股票市场的高频交易策略。2019年至2024年3月,合伙创立知行通达私募管理基金,负责股票和期货高频交易业务。

Brief CV on LinkedIn, Google Scholar page

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