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[ Project Title: Biometric Project ] - Schedule
Supervising faculty member: Prof. SHEN, Helen C.
Project description and objectives:
Have you ever got locked out of your home or office because you forgot your keys or access cards? Have you ever forgot your password or PIN and cannot access your accounts? Won't it be nice that you do not have to carry a key/card or to remember some password or PIN to gain access to your home or your computer or bank accounts? :-)

Biometrics offers the solution!! "Biometrics is the study of the automatic identification or verification of living persons using their enduring physical or behavioural characteristics."

In this project, we shall investigate the effectiveness of two types of physical characteristics of a person in the process of verification. We shall survey the existing finger print and hand geometry systems. Select and test those available systems in the lab. Design and implement experiments to evaluate the performance of these systems.

Language of instruction:
  English supplemented with Chinese
Software tools / programming languages involved: * (see footnote)
Deliverables: * (see footnote)
Things students will learn:
  • the process in automatice identification and verification of a living person using biometric characteristics;
  • some basic image processing techniques;
  • mathematical principles in verification and classification;
  • how to evaluate a biometric system.
  • Basic knowledge in pure and applied Math., probability and statistics;
  • Programming skills in C or C++ is preferred.
  • Willingness to learn new things
* to be determined with the participants based on their interest and background

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