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[ Project Title: Intelligent Web Image Retrieval and Processing ] - Schedule
Supervising faculty member: Prof. YEUNG, Dit-Yan
Project description and objectives:
The emergence and increased popularity of the World Wide Web has led to dramatic increase in the number of hypertext documents that can be accessed fairly easily. Advances in digital imaging technologies, including the widespread use of affordable digital cameras, further make multimedia content play an increasingly important role in the Web.

While searching for relevant Web pages based on their textual content is among the most common and useful Internet tools available today, searching for relevant images from the Web is still an inconvenient and ineffective process. The most common approach, like that for textual documents, is still based on keyword search. The major limitation of this approach is that it requires prior annotation of the images which is both very tedious and subjective. A more promising approach is to allow the user to simply present a sample image as query. An image-based search engine then makes use of the query image to retrieve similar images from the Web according to some predefined or adaptive similarity criterion. An illustrative example is shown below. The query image is shown with a red frame around it, followed by some retrieved images with their similarity measures decreasing from left to right. Based on the prior research experience of the advisor in this problem, participating students will be guided to make interesting explorations along this direction by building such an image retrieval system.

If the students are aggressive enough, they may even consider the additional aspect of developing some image editing tools for the retrieved images. Essentially they will build their own mini-Photoshop!
Language of instruction:
  Cantonese or English
Software tools / programming languages involved:
  * (see footnote)
  A Web-based image retrieval system (optionally with image editing capabilities)
Things students will learn:
Mathematical formulation of image retrieval problem; basic concepts and techniques for image representation and analysis; implementation of image retrieval algorithms using a high-level programming language; simple Web-based programming; etc.
Strong mathematical background. Prior programming experience an advantage though not absolutely necessary.
  * to be determined with the participants based on their interest and background

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