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[ Project Title: Workshop on Digital Photo Processing ] - Schedule
Supervising faculty member: Prof. CHUNG, Albert C.S.
Project description and objectives:

After taking photos with your friends, what would you do? Just posting the photos online? Do you want to put some special features on the photos before posting them? This workshop aims at teaching students to add special effects on digital photos.

The image below is the original image before applying the effects.

The following are the effects that you will learn to create in the workshop.
1. Adding a frame to a photo 2. Converting colored photos to black and white
3. Filtering a colored photo
This function is used to adjust the intensity of the three color channels of a photo. By adjusting the intensity values of the photo, some interesting effects can be obtained. The following three pictures are the results of adjusting the red, green and blue channels of a photo respectively.
4. Flipping a photo
This function aims at flipping the image; both horizontal flipping and vertical flipping are possible.
5. Creating a calendar/certificate
A certificate with a photo or a calendar can be created by using this function.
6. Advanced functions
If time is allowed, more enhanced features will be added, e.g., Intelligent Scissor, Matting. The following is an example. By applying the intelligent scissor to the first two photos below, another photo can be created. (See images below.)
Students can use their own photos or they can use the GOOGLE search engine to search necessary photos. The functions listed above represent the current version of the software. More functions may be included if time allows.
Language of instruction:
  Cantonese or English
Software tools / programming languages involved:
This project will use the programming language JAVA. It is a freely available programming language which can be downloaded at http://java.sun.com. This project will use the GUI and the image library of the JAVA.
In this project, you are asked to add effects on images. The image can be captured by a digital camera or download from website.

This project is divided into two phases. In the first phase, you are asked to read some notes about basic image processing concepts and basic programming skills. In the second phase, you will be asked to do the implementation of the basic image processing concepts learnt.

Things students will learn:
The main purpose of this project is to give students a brief introduction to digital photo processing. Also, it gives students a chance to learn programming skills in JAVA.
The only prerequisite is that you have interest in image processing and programming implementation.

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