Tutorial 9: Final Project

Overview on this Tutorial:

1. The program to be implemented (program.zip)

2. Supplied codes (PuzzleMIDlet.java)

The program to be implemented (program.zip):

1. Download the file program.zip.

2. Extract the .zip file, and then double clikc the file "Puzzle.jad".

3. Play with the game, and this is the expected result of your game.

Supplied codes (PuzzleMIDlet.java):

1. Fortunately, you don't need to write this game from the very beginning, most of the codes are supplied.

2. Download the file PuzzleMIDlet.java, fill in the codes as described. That is to complete the six tasks.

3. If you corretly implement the code, you should have the same game as the game given in program.zip.

4. After you have finished the six task and got a correct program, you are encouraged to modify the game and add more features to it.