
Song Guo

Chair Professor


CYT-3006A (via lift 35/36)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong SAR
Phone: +852 2358 8833

Google Scholar

ORCID: 0000-0001-9831-2202


Recent Talks

  1. Keynote, 中国电子学会2024网络空间安全学术大会-主论坛, Xi'an, China, July 2024
  2. Keynote, Computer Science Forum, Muroran, Japan, January 2024
  3. Invited Talk, 《2024年金融业生成式AI应用报告》发布暨研讨会, Beijing, China, January 2024
  4. Keynote, 沪港主题活动"数联沪港 共创未来", Shanghai, China, December 2023
  5. Panelist, High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HDIS), Macau, December 2023
  6. Keynote, China Internet of Things Conference, Wuxi, China, November 2023
  7. Keynote, The 23rd Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Development Fair, Wuhan, November 2023
  8. Keynote, Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area Talent Development Forum, Shenzhen, October 2023
  9. Keynote, China Intelligent Industry Science and Technology Innovation Conference, Suzhou, October 2023
  10. Keynote, APWeb-WAIM International Joint Conference on Web and Big Data, Wuhan, October 2023
  11. Keynote, IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace, August 2023
  12. Invited Talk, CCF 走进高校, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, July 2023
  13. Panel Talk, Canadian Academy of Engineering Conference, Victoria, June 2023
  14. Invited Talk, 生成式 AI 的价值与挑战, 2023 金融科技趋势展望, MIT Technology Review, January 2023
  15. Invited Talk, 「香港万人科普计划」院士讲科普活动, January 2023
  16. Keynote, International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, October 2022
  17. Panel Talk, Asia Pacific Digital Talent Summit, Huawei Connect 2022, Bangkok, Thailand, September 19, 2022
  18. Keynote, 第六届未来网络发展大会, 网络智能与大数据论坛, Nanjing, August 2022
  19. Keynote, 香港华为云&智慧科技论坛:云与智慧科技共创香港, Hong Kong, August 2022
  20. Keynote, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Algorithms, July 2022
  21. Keynote, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), June 2022
  22. Keynote, Workshop on Satellite Mega-Constellations in the 6G Era, in conjunction with IEEE ICC, May 2022
  23. Keynote, AAIA's Greater Bay Area Artificial Intelligence Online Summit, April 2022
  24. Frontier Academic Report, Institute of Cryptography and Data Security, Beijing Institute of Technology, March 2022
  25. Data Science and Analytics Webinar, HKUST (GZ), March 2022
  26. Keynote, International Workshop on Edge Computing and Security, Chengdu, China, January 2022