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ACL-2000 Call for Tutorial Proposals

The Program Committee of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics invites proposals for the Tutorial Program for ACL 2000, to be held in Hong Kong from October 3rd through 6th, 2000 (see ). The tutorials for ACL 2000 will be held on 1-2 October 2000.

Each tutorial should be well-focused so that its core content can be covered in a three-hour tutorial slot (including a 30 minute break). However, in exceptional cases six-hour tutorial slots are possible as well.

There will be space and time for at most four three-hour tutorials.

Submission Details

Proposals for tutorials should contain:

* A title and brief (< 500 word) content description of the tutorial topic.

* The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the tutorial speakers, with a one-paragraph statement of the speaker's(s') research interests and areas of expertise.

* Any special requirements for technical needs (display projector, computer infrastructure, etc.) Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII (iso8859-1) text as soon as possible, but in any case no later than 25 April 2000.

The subject line should be: "ACL 2000 TUTORIAL PROPOSAL".


Please submit your proposals and address any inquiries to; this forwards to both Tutorials Co-Chairs.

Tutorials Co-Chairs

  John Carroll Hemant Darbari  
  Cognitive and Computing Sciences Center for Development of Advanced Computing  
  University of Sussex Pune University  
  Brighton BN1 9QH Pune 411 007  
  UK India  

Practical Arrangements

Accepted tutorial speakers will be notified by 10 May 2000, and must then provide descriptions of their tutorials for inclusion in the conference registration material by 1 July 2000. The description should be in three formats: a latex version that fits onto 1/2 page; an ASCII (iso8859-1) version that can be included with the email announcement; and an HTML version that can be included on the conference home page.

Tutorial speakers must provide tutorial materials, at least containing copies of the overhead transparencies to be used, by 20 August 2000.

Financial Information

The current ACL policy is that tutorials are reimbursed at the following rate: US$500 per session plus $25 per registrant in the range 21-50 plus $15 per registrant in excess of 50. Note that this is per tutorial, not per presenter: multiple presenters will split the proceeds, the default assumption being an even split. The ACL does not usually cover travel expenses except where the presenter(s) cannot get them through the usual mechanisms: for ACL members we assume that they would be coming to the meeting anyway. For people who are not ACL members, we would expect to pay for costs that they cannot get reimbursed elsewhere.

Important Dates

  Submission deadline for proposal: 25 April 2000  
  Notification of acceptance: 10 May 2000  
  Tutorial descriptions due: 1 July 2000  
  Tutorial course material due: 20 August 2000  
  Tutorials date: 1-2 October 2000