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Workshop in conjunction with ACL 2000 in Hong Kong

Organized by ELSNET

Saturday, October 7, 09:00-13:00


Main theme of the workshop is the question how the existing infrastructures for R&D in the field of language and speech technology can be better exploited or improved in order to facilitate world-wide collaboration. As the ACL 2000 conference takes place in Asia, the special focus is on infrastructures in this region, or connected to the languages of this region.

Speakers will be invited to give an up to 15 minutes presentation addressing one or more of the following topics:

* what is the infrastructural situation (from their perspective)

* what are the main benefits and problems when trying to globalize the infrastructures

* what are possible directions towards solutions

The intended output is a strategic report, containing an analysis of the present situation, and an outline scenario for steps to be taken (actions, actors, calendar). The workshop should be seen as a first consultation and round-table discussion on this topic, and will be followed by similar actions at future events, where other parts of the language and speech communities (both thematic and geographic) will be consulted. Reports on this and subsequent workshops will be published on ELSNET's website, with an explicit invitation to the whole community to provide feedback and comments.

More background information and followups can be found at

Provisional time schedule for the workshop:

9:00 O P E N I N G
9:00- 9:10

Steven Krauwer (ELSNET, Netherlands): Introduction and Objectives of the Workshop

9:10- 9:25 Junichi Tsujii or NN (Japan): Infrastructures in Japan and for the Japanese Language
9:25- 9:40 Chu-Ren Huang (Taiwan): Infrastructures in Taiwan and for the Chinese Languages
9:40- 9:55 Key-Sun Choi (Korea): Infrastructures in Korea and for the Korean Language
9:55-10:00 Asanee Kawtrakul (Thailand): Infrastructures in Thailand and for the Thai Language
10:10-10:20 Benjamin Tsou (Hong Kong): Infrastructures in Hong Kong and for the Chinese Languages
10:20-10:35 Mark Liberman (LDC, USA) (t.b.c.): The Resources Infrastructure in the US
10:35-10:50 Donna Harman (NIST, USA): Infrastructures and Evaluation
10:50-11:05 B R E A K
11:05-11:15 Julia Hirschberg (ISCA, USA): Internationalization of ISCA
11:15-11:30 Wolfgang Wahlster (Germany): ACL, ECCAI and the Verbmobil/SmartKom consortium
11:30-11:45 Antonio Zampolli (ELRA, Italy): The Resources Infrastructure in Europe
11:45-11:55 Steven Krauwer (ELSNET, Netherlands): European Networks
11:55-12:55 D I S C U S S I O N
12:55-13:00 C L O S I N G


Steven Krauwer, ELSNET coordinator, UiL-OTS, Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, NL

phone: +31 30 253 6050, fax: +31 30 253 6000,
