Qiong Luo is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Her research interests are in big data systems, parallel and distributed systems, and data-intensive applications. Current focus is on data management on modern hardware, GPU acceleration for data analytics, and data processing support for e-science. Qiong received her Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, her M.S. and B.S. in Computer Sciences from Beijing (Peking) University, China.
Qiong's HKUST Faculty Profile
What's New
I am also serving as a Professor of Data Science and Analytics (DSA) at the HKUST (Guangzhou) campus. My HKUST (Guangzhou) Faculty Profile is up.
The Rapids Group at HKUST and our GitHub page
Current Projects:
Past projects: Catalac: Pervasive Query Processing, including GPUQP: Query Processing on the GPU, and Mars: MapReduce on the GPU.
Publication Records @ DBLP,
Google Scholar
Professional Services
Conference organization
Program Committee Co-Chair: EDBT 2024 held in Paestum, Italy on Mar 25-28, 2024.
Current program committees:
KDD 2025,
ICDE 2025 (Area Chair),
SIGMOD 2026.
Associate Editor:
Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer (2013 - present)
The VLDB Journal, Springer (2021 - present)
Past services
Teaching & Advising
Spring 2025: Parallel Programming (COMP5112 MoWe 10:30AM - 11:50AM
LG3009, Lift 10-12; MSBD5009 Sa 3:00PM - 5:50PM
Rm 2407, Lift 17-18)
Current graduate students:
Note: I adhere to the guidelines for research graduate thesis supervision (HKUST's and HKUST(GZ)'s)
and expect my students to fulfill their responsibilities in pursuing their degrees.
AI Program
CSE Program
DSA Program
- Zhuoyang Chen (PhD, started in 2022, co-advised by Prof. Weichuan Yu)
- Gongyao Jiang (PhD, started in 2024, co-advised by Prof. Xiaojuan Ma)
- Guanghua Li (PhD, started in 2022, co-advised by Prof. Wei Zhang)
- Yijie Lian (PhD, started in 2023, co-advised by Prof. Wei Zeng)
- Jingyi Pan (PhD, started in 2024, co-advised by Prof. Xiaowen Chu)
- Siya Qiu (PhD, main advisor Prof. Jing Tang)
- Xinran Shi (PhD, started in 2023, co-advised by Prof. Prof. Xuming Hu)
- Ruoqi Wang (PhD, started in 2022, co-advised by Prof. Hao Chen)
- Tong Xu (PhD, started in 2021, co-advised by Prof. Xiaowen Chu)
- Jiayi Zhu (PhD, started in 2023, co-advised by Prof. Hao Chen)
Past Teaching