
Human actions involve complex pose variations, and their 2D projections can be highly ambiguous. Thus 3D Spatio-temporal or 4D (i.e., 3D+T) human skeletons, which are photometric and viewpoint invariant, are an excellent alternative to 2D+T skeletons/pixels to improve action recognition accuracy. This paper proposes a new 4D dataset, HAA4D, consisting of more than 3,300 RGB videos in 300 human atomic action classes. HAA4D is clean, diverse, class-balanced where each class is viewpoint-balanced with the use of 4D skeletons, in which as few as one 4D skeleton per class is sufficient for training a deep recognition model. Further, the choice of atomic actions makes annotation even easier because each video clip lasts for only a few seconds. All training and testing 3D skeletons in HAA4D are globally aligned, using a deep alignment model to the same global space, making each skeleton face the negative z-direction. Such alignment makes matching skeletons more stable by reducing intraclass variations and thus with fewer training samples per class needed for action recognition. Given the high diversity and skeletal alignment in HAA4D, we construct the first baseline few-shot 4D human atomic action recognition network without bells and whistles, which produces comparable or higher performance than relevant state-of-the-art techniques relying on embedded space encoding without explicit skeletal alignment, using the same small number of training samples of unseen classes.

Our Contribution

  1. HAA4D, a human atomic action dataset where all 4D skeletons are globally aligned. HAA4D complements existing prominent 3D+T human action datasets such as NTU-RGB+D and Kinetics Skeleton 400. HAA4D contains 3390 samples of human actions in the wild with 300 different kinds of activities. The samples for each human action range from 2 to 20, each provided with RGB frames and their corresponding 3D skeletons.
  2. Introducing an alignment network for predicting orthographic camera poses in the train/test samples, where all 4D skeletons are aligned in the same camera space, each facing the negative z-direction. This allows for better recognition results with a smaller number of training samples compared to ST-GCN, Shift-GCN, and SGN.
  3. Introduce the first few-shot baseline for 4D human (atomic) action recognition that produces results comparable to or better than state-of-the-art techniques on unseen classes using a small number of training samples.

The 3D skeleton isviewpoint invariant: all train/test 3D skeletons in HAA4D are registered by their respective orthographic camera pose estimated using our global alignment model. Thus a single training 3D skeleton per class is sufficient, in stark contrast to the use of 2D RGB images or skeletons, where a large number of training data is required, and uneven sampling is an issue. Trained with as few as one 3D+T or 4D burpee skeleton, the network can readily recognize any normalized burpee action shot from any viewing angles, including those under the person, which are difficult to capture. As shown in the figure below, we can use the predicted camera poses to rectify views of the input 3D skeletons and bring them to the same coordinate system (globally aligned space). This rectification provides a stronger correlation between each sample and allows us to utilize the explicit information, such as the coordinate of the joints, directly for sequence matching and obtain a higher accuracy in differentiate the action.