ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 2004
Regional Contests: Shanghai
Bronze Prize: Yang Yin, Leung Tsz Kin, Li Rui
Other Awards: 4th Place, Manila Regional Contest
Champion, Local Contest (Hong Kong)

Following the championship at the ACM (HK) Local Programming Contest and 4th place at the Regional Contest at Manila, HKUST's teams did well again in the Regional Contest at Shanghai.
The Department of Computer Science has sent out 3 teams to join the Regional Contest of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest 2004 which was held in Shanghai on December 5, 2004. The team formed by Mr. Yang Yin (PhD candidate), Mr. Leung Tsz Kin (CS Year 3 student) and Mr. Li Rui (CPEG Year 3 student) has ranked 15 out of 70 teams from all over the Asia. They have used 280 minutes to solve 2 questions. Prof. C. K. Tang is the coach of the teams.
ACM-ICPC is an annual event organized by the Association for Computing Machinery in US. It is known to be a prestigious competition in the international computer world, due to it's long establishment. The contest provides a platform for university students to develop their analytical skills and problem solving skills, and is recognized as the one with the largest scale and highest level of similar kind. 28 sessions have been held since 1970.