Fast Facts

Number of Students (2023-2024)

Undergraduate Programs

BEng in Computer Science (COMP); BSc in Computer Science (COSC); BEng in Computer Science and BBA in General Business Management (Dual Degree Program - COMP): 697

BEng in Computer Engineering (CPEG); BEng in Computer Engineering and BBA in General Business Management (Dual Degree Program - CPEG): 239 (Another 239 are credited to the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering);
BSc in Data Science and Technology (DSCT): 67 (Another 67 are credited to the Department of Mathematics);
BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence (RMBI): 55 (Another 110 are credited to the School of Business & Management and School of Science)

Postgraduate Programs

Master of Science in Big Data Technology: 171

Master of Science in Information Technology: 88

Master of Philosophy: 82

Doctor of Philosophy: 398

Subject Rankings

The department was ranked 32nd among all computer science and engineering departments worldwide according to the QS World University Rankings 2024, and 31st according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.

QS World University Rankings (2024)


Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2024)


World-Class Faculty

Prestige among Peers

We now have a total of 49 regular faculty members on board, representing a fair mix of senior faculty at the Professor and Associate Professor levels and junior faculty at the Assistant Professor level.

All of our faculty members have worldwide teaching and research experience in areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data, Knowledge and Information Management, Human Computer Interaction, Networking and Computer Systems, Software Engineering and Programming Languages, Theoretical Computer Science, and Vision and Graphics. Our faculty members earned their PhD from renowned universities all over the world, and are highly regarded by peers in their field.