Dr Lei CHEN Received ACM SIGMOD 2015 Test of Time Award
Dr Lei CHEN together with Dr Vincent ORIA (New Jersey's Science & Technology University) and Prof Tamer ÖZSU (University of Waterloo) have been awarded the ACM SIGMOD 2015 Test of Time Award with their project "Robust and Fast Similarity Search for Moving Object Trajectories".
The ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award recognizes the best paper from the SIGMOD proceedings 10 years prior based on the criterion of identifying the paper that has had the most impact on research, products, and methodology over the intervening decade.
"Robust and Fast Similarity Search for Moving Object Trajectories" published in SIGMOD 2005 was chosen by the SIGMOD Awards Committee for the ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award this year. The award committee made very positive comments on the paper, "the paper introduced foundations for moving object applications; the paper is an early paper in an important area that has gained in prominence over the past decade, In that sense the paper was visionary, broke new ground, and has had academic impact; the paper has been heavily cited 664 citations according to Google scholar." Dr Chen received the award in SIGMOD 2015 in Melbourne during 31 May - 4 June 2015.
Read more about the ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award.